Before you read!/Extended description

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13 -Trigger warning- this story contains some abuse and strong language

This story is copyright, I spent a lot of time on it so please don't steal any of my ideas or actions WILL BE TAKEN.

I spent a lot of time coming up with this story so any similarities to any other stories is purely coincidental.

This story is purely fictional and any living people I have chosen as cast members have no affiliation with the characters whatsoever.

Please don't be a ghost reader, it feels like there's no point writing a story if there are no votes and comments reason being it appears the work isn't touching anyone in any way.

Other than that please join me on the journey of Amira, Bray, Zac and everyone else, I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Xx b.a.a.p.o.l

Amira's POV

I suck in a deep breath as I stand here begging Bray to save me from his abusive brother who just so happens to be my boyfriend. I can't take it and I know Bray has a heart to help me no matter how much he pretends to not care about anyone, but Zachery Devan Vaughn, that man knows no such thing.

Bray sighs before continuing "Listen, I'll give you a hand, but don't take anything out of this. The Vaughn's only do things for one reason and one reason only; revenge."

I nod happy that I might finally be able to escape from Zac but the question is why does Bray want revenge, and to whom does he plan on giving it but most importantly, how do I fit into this equation?

To my shocking surprise I fit into it in many ways, ways I do not like. But you can never back out when you're in the dangerous game known as Revenge.

PS I'm currently editing this story

Vote and comment on your thoughts of how this story will unfold :D

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