Chapter 2-I won't be calling you anything

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Bray's POV

I walk into Cuffs in search of my best friend Dylan (one of the very few people I call a friend to be precise). Cuffs is the place where you can get away with anything be it underage drinking, selling illegal material you name it. It's also the hang out place for most people between seventeen and twenty five so you'll find every type of person here. If I'm here it's to find someone who will make me forget. I try every time but it doesn't last though.

I spot Dylan's black hair and make my way up to him by the bar.

"Heyyy man!" he slurs, already drunk.

Ladies and gentleman Dylan White; the quickest person to get drunk in the whole entire world! I roll my eyes at him and he attempts to hand me a drink missing horribly and spilling it all over my shirt.

"What the hell dude!" I speak up and stride off in the direction of the bathroom upstairs by the VIP area, trust me you don't want to use the downstairs bathroom at Cuffs.

I stop walking as I hear a girl crying in one of the rooms, normally I'd just continue walking because I really try not to give two sh*ts if someone's crying, but this happens to be the room that my f**k up of a brother always hangs around in and quite frankly, I know he's capable of doing unspeakable things to people. I'm also torn between my kind heart and my dark mind these days but my heart seems to be in the lead so I suck up my imaginative pride and open the door but stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.

Amira's POV

I decide to get ready quickly to avoid anymore screaming from Zac. I wash my face to get rid of the tears and apply light makeup. Make up's not really my thing but during times like these I have no choice but to cover up. It's funny in a sad way how all my life I have been trying to cover up. Trying to cover up the hurt, trying to cover up the pain, trying to cover up the tears, trying to cover up the scars. No matter how much I keep it away from the world it doesn't make the pain go away because at the end of the day I still know, I still feel and I embrace this all alone.

I put on a blue crop top with black jeans and my over worn vans. I honestly do not feel like impressing anyone right now and that is pretty rare. After being warned by Zac to get down the stairs right now I hurriedly grab my purse and phone and head out being stopped by Zac as he looks me up and down eyeing shamelessly as usual, it disgust's me to this day.

"So sexy babe, you know I love you right?" He states.

I simply nod which does not impress him leading him to grab my chin and make sure I'm facing him before he speaks again.

"Come on Ami you've got to know I love you. Yes sometimes you disrespect me and things like that can't go unpunished but it has to be done," he plants a kiss on my cheek and takes my hand.

We leave the house in silence. I always appreciate silence whenever I get a glimpse of it.

When we walk into Cuffs it's crowded as usual and we head up to the VIP area. I wish I could just go downstairs and have a good time with my friends without Zac but I'm always dragged upstairs and besides, I can barely make a friend that Zac "approves" of.

We go to our usual room and today there is no one else inside despite it being a Friday night. Zac tells me to stay inside while he goes and does something quickly and I already know what he means by that. I'll be stuck sitting here by myself for two hours or more and he'll be somewhere in this area having what only Zac Vaughn would call "fun". Not wanting that to happen I decide to compromise.

"Please just for today can I go downstairs just for a bit, I won't cause any trouble I promise and I'll be back before you know it."

Zac looks at me, a smirk playing on his lips. I look away because man does that smirk irk me to the point of wanting to go into my brain and rip the image out. Yet I'm still here... •

"Sorry Amira but you should know by now that you're my property, we can't risk the chance of someone else getting to you now can we?" He raises his eyebrow his smirk growing and oh how I wish it was a cute and playful smirk.

Before I can even respond he leaves the room making sure to close the door behind me I'm sure so no one else can "get to me" and I'm stuck here with involuntary tears falling down my cheek then deciding to do the only thing I know will somewhat make me feel better. I open the cupboard where I keep my blade for times like this and smile as the familiar feel of cool metal touches my skin.

Bray's POV


I'm not sure what to say as I stand in front of a crying girl sitting on the floor with blood running down her wrists and a blade in her hand. I don't know what I expected to find in here when I opened that door but honestly this is not what I expected and I'm already regretting it.

I walk towards the girl as I realise it's too late for me to run away and she flinches when I crouch down near her.

"Um, are you, are you alright?" I stutter.

Stupid question Bray, really are you alright? I mean does she look like she's alright? I mentally scold myself before trying to rephrase my words.

"I mean, do you need anything?"

I'm not that good at comforting people, at all and I hate that part of me the most be. An ambulance would probably be an idea that a normal person would come up with but the damage looks like it can be fixed without a doctor and the drama that has always come with hospitals doesn't make the option seem like a good idea to me.

The girl shakes her head at my question and I sigh. Why did Dylan have to spill his drink on me!

"Well I think you should probably go to the bathroom and wash that off."

She surprises me by standing up, leaving the room and making her way to the bathroom. I should probably continue to where I was going but I decide to take the kind path once again and follow her to make sure she's okay.

I feel weird walking into the ladies room and I receive a disgusted look from the only woman in there so I give her a glare and she scurries out. So she can stare at me but she can't be bothered with the girl who just walked in with a bloody hand? I stare at the girl as she wets a paper towel and I attempt to start conversation. Light conversations help you forget about the heavy pain don't they?

"So um, so what's your name?"

She looks at me and speaks for the first time since I found her sitting on the floor in that room. I don't really care to know her name but the girl's hurt pretty badly so what can I do.

"You don't have to be here I can see you don't want to be anyway, I'm fine" she states.

Amira's POV

The green eyed boy who ruined my blade time sighs, "you're not making this easy for me,"

"I said I'm fine," I snap.

I take a piece of cloth I find in the cabinet, this will have to do. I flinch as I try to wrap the cloth around my arm and involuntary tears run down my cheeks.

The green eyed boy sighs once again.

"Here," he softly whispers taking the cloth and placing my hand in his then he gently wraps it around my arm. He looks up at me and as soon our eyes meet he quickly looks away. There's an unexplainable silence for a few seconds.

"My names Amira but you can call me Mia," I answer the boy's earlier question.

I can tell he's suddenly getting irritated by my presence. He takes one more look at me as if to make sure I'm fine before saying,

"I won't be calling you anything," and with that he leaves the room.

I don't know what to make of his response. I mean I know I barely know the guy and I will probably never see him again but did he have to be so rude. I know everyone is rude these days but sometimes I wish everyone wouldn't be everyone.

What I didn't know however was saying that I'll never see the green eyed boy again was the most untrue assumption I'd ever made.

Any Zacira shippers? (That would be terribly worrying)

Please vote and comment loves :D

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