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My blood pumped at a rapid pace through my veins. My heart was racing but my hands were calm as I pulled the mask over my face. I knew what I was doing was wrong and the feeling of guilt pushed lightly at my conscious. But I wasn't unaccustomed to that feeling and I had learned to push it away easily. I popped the lock on the car door and swiftly hopped out. I silently paced across the yard and up to the window of the large house I knew too well.

I pushed at the window slowly careful not to make a sound. When it was finally open wide enough I pushed both hands on the pane and effortlessly hauled my body upward and into the window. My feel landed inside without a noise and I smiled at how good I had gotten at this.

I didn't used to do things like this. I used to be a normal girl with no problems in the world. I went to school and hung out with friends. I would never approve of the actions I had now become so accustomed to. But that night changed things, it changed everything and there was no way I could ever go back to the way I was. A click brought me out of my thoughts and my head snapped up.

The bathroom light was on and the door was closed. Someone was obviously still awake and that was a wrench in my usual plan. I could leave now and come back tomorrow night but something in me told myself that I should just stay; I was good at what I did.

I slid the window down so that it was once again closed removing any evidence of my presence. I swiftly moved behind the door as the toilet flushed across the hall. I slowed my breathing so that I was impossible to hear. The footsteps slowly retreating down the hall told me the coast was clear once again. I moved out from behind the door and followed the long hall down to the door I knew concealed what I came for. I slowly turned the knob and slipped inside. It was pitch black and silent inside the room just like always. I pulled the flashlight out of my pocket and flipped it on the aid myself around the room.

I walked over to the large brown desk that sat in the middle of the room. I had to bend down to reach the very last drawer on it. I traced the lock with my fingers and smiled. I slid the bobby pin out of my hair and positioned it into the lock twisting and pushing just as my dad had taught me when I was a little girl. The soft click of the lock sounded and I was in. I slid the drawer open to reveal the bills. They were all wrapped up like they usually were and stacked into rows. My fingers caressed the soft green paper and grabbed a few stacks of the top. I slid them into my bag I had brought and slid the drawer shut again. My handy dandy bobbypin repositioned the lock back to its original state eliminating the fact that I was ever here.


My dorm room was dark as I entered it. I flipped the light on and found it empty, my roommate Ash must be at a party like she always was. I placed my bag full of hundred dollar bills under my bed so that it was concealed and slid off my tight black jeans. I found a pair of shorts on the floor and slid those on instead. I slid into my bed and pulled the covers up over my body. I flicked off the light switch and fell asleep easily.

My head pounded and streaks of red blood were running down the side of my face. I was completely disoriented and couldn't tell what was going on. Where was I? My arms ached as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. The realization of what had happened hit me. I was weak and could not stand to help. All I could do was cry. My body shook and tears poured down my face until I couldn't see any longer.

I jolted awake and sighed, why did I continue to dream about that night? I was strong now and I didn't need to spend my time or emotions thinking about that awful moment. I wiped the sweat that had formed off of my chest and sat up in bed. I glanced at the clock that read 6:24 am. The sun was probably rising outside. I slipped out of bed and walked over to the window. I pushed the blinds open to reveal the crisp fall morning. I was correct; the sun was rising in the distance. I closed the blinds again and walked over to my dresser. I pulled it open and grabbed a pair of black running leggings. I slid out of my short and pulled the leggings up my legs and also grabbed a jacket that I threw over my head.

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