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Nothing in the world gave me the same amount of adrenaline as stealing.

Except Harry.

The fact that I could get caught at any moment made me feel alive. When I was little I was a rule follower. I colored in the lines and always said please and thank you. Then I met Dylan and he changed me forever.


"Come on you can do it!"
"I can't it's way too high I will die if I do!!"
"El I just did it you will be fine and when you get your a.ss down here I'm gonna reward you with a kiss."
I smiled at his proposal and took a deep breath followed by a huge leap and jumped from the cliff.

My eyes squeezed shut and I plugged my nose bracing for impact.

My feet plunged first followed by the rest of my body and I quickly swam back to the surface of the water with the biggest smile on my face.

"I told you you could do it! Now come get that kiss."


I wonder what he would think of me now. He always told me I could do whatever I put my mind to. I don't think he meant stealing though.

The hardwood floors creaked under my feet and I slowly tip toed my way through the large house.

There were no lights on anywhere tonight making it more difficult to maneuver. Usually the wife would leave these stupid little hallway lights plugged into the outlets so you could see but they were not on tonight.

I found it strange but continued to make my way to the office. As usual I took out my flashlight and picked open the desk drawer. There were quite a few stacks missing since I was here the other night. They must have bought something with the money.

Still I grabbed a few stacks and shoved them into my bag.

I closed the drawer and made sure I left no evidence of my presence. That's when I saw the note sitting on the desk.

It was folded in half and carefully placed right in the center of the large wood desk.

Should I look at it? I know I probably shouldn't but something told me I should. What could happen from me opening a note? Nothing. I bet it's just some stupid list; maybe it's for groceries or for things that need to be done?

I slowly reached over and grabbed the paper. I unfolded it and found an itinerary titled Tokyo.

My eyes skimmed the paper to discover that the family was on vacation in Tokyo and that they would be gone for two months for the husbands job.

I had the house to myself. I think. My mind began to fill with ideas. I should check out the place more in depth. I've never been through the entire mansion.

I also knew that it was still dangerous though. Just because the family was gone didn't mean they wouldn't have someone watching their house for them. If I looked around I could get caught.

My mind was in a struggle of what to do. I decide that the best way to decide was to eenie meenie minnie mo in my head with both options.

The dangerous but fun idea to look around won. If I did happen to find someone they would most likely be asleep and I would just leave I rationalized.

I exited the room and made my way down the hall further from my entrance window. I passed multiple doors while I walked but none of them interested me. I walked until I reached the main area of the house.

It was a large room with a projector mounted on the wall as a Tv filled with 4 different couches. It led to a large kitchen with the biggest fridge I had seen in my whole life. It was too tempting not to open.

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