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{Star's POV}

"Tom, why are you doing this?" I pleaded. "Because, Starship, I want you back. I know I misbehaved in the past, but I'm a changed person now." He cupped my face in his hand. "Never! I will never take you back!" I attempted to shake him away. "Let me rephrase that. Those wires in your arms lead straight to this machine. It's an electricity box. There are settings on it. 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest. I plan to electrocute you until you take me back." He nodded towards the handle on the box. "So be it then." He walked over to the box, set it for stage one, and pulled the lever. Pain surged through my body as I screamed in agony. Marco better come soon.

{Marco's POV}

It was helpful to hear Star scream, but it was clearly out of pain. I can tell the difference in the tone. If it's a higher pitch, it's out of excitement. This wasn't that. This was that low, strong scream that I never wanted to here. When I found her, she was being electrocuted in a metal chair, Tom controlling the electricity with a box and wires lodged into her arms. Star is my best friend. If anything happened to her, I don't know what I'd do. I stood there, trying to figure out my battle plan. Time obviously saw me, because he turned off the box. Star slumped down in the chair, color almost completely drained from her face. "Excellent timing. Now you can watch the last person you have left die in front of you," Tom spat. "You said you just wanted me back!" Star attempted to say, but came out as a squeak. "You said no, and if I can't have you, nobody can!" He flipped the control to three and pulled down the lever. Star sat motionless in the chair. "No, she can't go out like this! She can't give up!" I said to myself. Without thinking, I ran over and ripped the wiring from Star's arm. Tom got really made and started shooting fire at me. I ducked behind the chair with Star. Her being there motionless was one of the saddest things in the world to me. Tom stopped momentarily, giving me just enough time to hoist Star over my shoulder and through the awaiting portal.

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