Us on a rooftop

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The whole week had been so quiet for Ladybug and Chatnior, this was making Marinette worry. Could it be that there was something building up? Maybe things had been happening and she just hadn't noticed. What had she been missing out on? As it got to the weekend she started to relax more, after all this was a nice break for her, even if she did find herself missing all the crazy things she would usually be doing with Chatnior. As she sat the roof top balcony she gazed upon the world around her. She was surprised to see a familiar face staring directly at her. Chatnior!? She tried to discreetly go back into her room so she could transform into Ladybug and go ask him what he is doing. She then climbed up on the rooftops next to him.

"Is something happening?" She asked wanting to get straight to the point.

"Huh? Oh my lady crazy seeing you here," He started, a startled face forming into his usual flirtatious grin.

"So nothings wrong then," She sighed in relief.

"Why would it be?" Chat asked, patting the space next to him indicating her to sit next to him.

As Ladybug lowered herself onto the tiles she responded, "Well, I mean I saw you from my- I mean  when I was walking I saw you on the roof, and I thought since you were in your suit that something may be happening."

"Ah don't you worry, Paris is calm for us lately," Smirking, he looked at the beautiful face mere centimetres away from his own.

"Us?" Ladybug thought to herself, her heart beat racing, all because of that simple word. I mean they are partners of course he would refer to them as one, but something felt different tonight.

"Yeah, it has been quiet for... us," She responded after a while.

"It's made me really happy to see you, I mean where nothings happened lately it's been rather lonely for me. In fact the only reason I got into my suit was so I could pretend you're with me, I mean maybe I'm still pretending..." After a short pause Chat stops looking down at his feet and looks up at Ladybug, "Y-you are here right?"

Ladybug grabs his hand tightly before quietly saying, "I'm right here next to you, you have nothing to worry about," she stares at him hoping to see that dull expression would leave his face and it did. A much more genuinely happy smile appeared, very different to his usual cheeky smirk, but still brought to same happiness to Ladybug.

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