The Day I Sold My Soul

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I still remember that day.
I was wandering all alone.
It was the beginning of May.
I was talking on my phone.

Someone suddenly crashed into me.
My heart began to race.
Because this person whom I see,
Had a body but no face.

He caught me in a wink of an eye.
I didn't have time to fight back.
I was sure I was gonna die,
But he didn't proceed with any further attack.

Suddenly he whispered in my ear,
"Just calm down and hear me out."
I simply tried to suppress my fear.
But I was curious what this was all about.

He continued with this ghastly voice,
"Aren't you sick of your life? Where there's no rise but only fall?"
"Don't you regret your every choice?"
"Don't you wanna change it all?"

I gulped at everything he said.
Could I be free from this curse?
Can all my debts be repaid?
Could my life become better and not worse?

My mind was clearly clouded at that time.
Temptations and desires took control.
He said he wouldn't take even a dime,
But he actually took a heavy toll.

For a few days, things became dreamlike.
I got what I desired with ease.
Got a salary hike and a new bike.
Didn't have to say thank you or please.

But then it all faded in an instant,
When I got hit by a truck.
Time was up for the happiness I was lent,
All I could do was shout, "Oh No!"

The Devil had tricked me and stole my soul.
I thought the deal was cool.
But it a nothing but a boat with a hole,
And I was simply a fool!

Today I'm nothing but his slave,
Disobey; and I'm lashed with a whip.
I didn't even get a little grave.
It was hell at the end of my trip.

Oh how I wish to go back to that moment.
I want to prevent myself from falling in the ditch.
But I all can do now is simply repent,
And be nothing but the Satan's slave.

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