Chapter 3: Encounter

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Sorry for the late update! But here it is, just a short chapter this time to introduce a new character hehehe. Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Encounter

The minute Trace arrived at the café that morning, she was indulged in the busy routine of tending the cashier. The bell at the door jingled. She looked up.

"Welcome!" Oh! Its's him again, she thought.

"Hey," he flashed a smile at her.

"What can I get for you today?" She asked, returning the smile.

He said his order and waited at the side. When he got his drinks, he went back to Trace and leaned against the counter. He looked at the name badge pinned to her apron.

"Trace?" He said her name.

"Yeah, that's me," Trace replied.

"I'm Starr, see you around," he waved, smirking and went off all mysterious-like.
The girls in line gazed at him, watching his figure leaving.

Trace scoffed at their behaviour. She tapped the counter to get the attention of the girl in front of her. "Done drooling?" She asked teasingly. The girl turned red and quickly said her order.

The rest of the day went by fine without any mistakes or further distractions. After counting the money in the cash register and helping out with the cleaning, Trace said goodbye to the others.

"Walk safely okay!" One of them said.

Trace smiled and nodded.

The night was cloudy at first, the moonlight blocked by the abundant puffs of clouds. Trace gazed up as she walked slowly, breathing in the fresh air. She watched as the clouds slowly and gently part, revealing a beam of moonlight to the ground and the stars dotting the night sky, glittering and enlightening the night. She smiled and looked away from the sky.

How nice it seemed, to be up in the sky, far from the troubles of life, she thought.

Suddenly, she found herself crashing into a pole. Her eyes widened a fraction, too shocked to exclaim in pain. Someone walked over and held her shoulder gently.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked. "That was some impact."

She turned to face him slowly, seeing stars in her eyes.

"Oh my God you're bleeding!"

What? She thought.

She felt a cloth being applied to the wound on her forehead. And she gave a response, like a strangled sigh.

"Hey, are you okay?" The guy asked again, concerned.

She held a hand up and waved it off. "I'm fine," she said unsurely. "I think."

"Can you walk?" The guy supported her by holding both her shoulders. She nodded slowly.

"Yeah I think so." Alas, when she tried, she staggered and stumbled.

"Nope, you're not okay," he caught her before she fell. "Let's go to the pharmacy and get that treated and maybe you can rest for a while until you recover."

"Okay," she stammered. He led the way to the nearest pharmacy, supporting her back and walking at her pace.

He told her to keep the handkerchief on her head so the bleeding will stop and she did as he said.

"It'll all be alright," he smiled.

"Oh, um, I'm Trace," the sudden thought of being rude for not introducing herself suddenly crossed her mind.

He laughed at her random outburst.

"I'm Bliss."

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