Chapter 4: Small World

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Chapter 4: Small World

"Are you feeling a little better?" Bliss handed her a bar of chocolate and water he bought from the convenience store next door to the pharmacy.

Trace smiled. "Yeah." She nibbled on the chocolate. "Bliss was it? Is that really your name?"

Bliss chuckled. "Yes, it is. My parents said I was such a happy baby they decided to name me after the word."

He sat down next to her, examining her for any other signs of injury. He had cleaned and treated her wound and placed a squared band aid on the spot.

"How did you come here by?" Bliss asked, standing up.

Her face paled. "A-Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked.

"My bicycle!" She exclaimed. "I totally forgot I rented a bicycle today and instead walked home because I was so used to it," she covered her face with her hands, groaning.

"Would you like me to accompany you home?" Bliss asked.

"No, no, it's alright," she said. "Thanks for the offer and for this." She pointed to her forehead.

"It's not a problem," he smiled. "I'll walk you till I have to go my way then."

She nodded. "Okay, thanks."

As he said, Bliss walked her till they came by a three way street. He pointed to the left. "My house is this way," he said. "I'll see you around!" He smiled and waved as he walked off.

Trace went the opposite direction. Once she reached her apartment, she collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.


There was a knock on the door the following morning. Whoever it was, they were quite persistent. Trace thought she could ignore the knocking, but after the minute of silence, the knocking continued and she could not take it anymore.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She grumbled, answering the door.

There was a teenage girl by the door, holding a container of what seemed like pie in it. She looked just a bit younger than Trace was and she definitely wanted to be anywhere else but the front doorstep of Trace's house.

"Who are you?" Trace asked bluntly. 

The girl sighed, not in the mood to deal with people in the morning or bother with an explanation as to why she was there. "Next door neighbour. Alex. Nice to meet you. Pie from mum, bye." She shoved the container into Trace's hand and walked away.

She left Trace confused but at least, she thought, there was free food in her hand to feed herself. Trace closed the door and walked to the kitchen to grab a fork. She sat down to eat the pie, indulging in the flavours. Later, she showered and dressed herself to get to work. She sighed sadly, remembering that she would have to walk again until she retrieved her bicycle back from the café.



Trace did not look up as she said the greeting along with the other staff, busy punching in numbers on the cash register and printing receipts. A perfectly manicured nail tapped the counter, catching her attention.

"Hi! What would you like today?" Trace smiled, looking up as she finished punching the previous customer's order.

"A vanilla latte please," the girl replied, her voice gentle and sweet. She had minimal make up on her delicate face, giving her the 'natural look', light brown locks and was fashionably dressed. She made everyone else in the café feel odd. Although she was not trying to. She noticed the stares and quickly walked to the side of the counter.

The bell jingled and in walked every girls' favourite person to stare at. Much to their horror however, Starr walked over to the pretty girl waiting by the side of the counter and gave her a loving hug. They concluded that they knew each other and all thoughts of having a chance with him depleted. Trace chuckled at their reactions.

"Cheer up girls," she said to them. "There's plenty of fish in the sea."

"Hey Trace." That was Starr.

"Hi," she replied.

"I see you've met Ariette," he gestured to the pretty girl next to him. Ariette waved shyly, mumbling a hi.

Trace could see it in his eyes, the way he looked at her, that he liked her as more than friends. Trace smiled to Ariette. "Nice to meet you!" Trace said and continued her task.

The hot shot and the sweetheart, she thought. What a small world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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