Lisanna's past

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Lucy's pov
Lunch was already over and we all headed toward our 3rd block class. During lunch Mira called her sister and told her to introduce herself to me. I introduced myself as well and all I have to is 'wow'. She is a very caring and sweet person. I honestly can't hate Lisanna. She is so kind, caring, sweet, gentle, and beautiful. No wonder Natsu has a thing for her, she has all the qualities I wish I could have. Lisanna and I are pretty great friends. We talked all through lunch. I'm still feeling pretty upset though. I don't hate Lisanna for "stealing Natsu" but more like I hate myself for not confessing my feelings sooner to Natsu. I made a big mistake. Why would I think Natsu liked me at all? He only saw me as a friend and nothing more. I finally entered my 3rd block class, which was Advanced Geometry. I saw levy-chan, Mira-san and wendy-chan, sitting down waving at me. I sat behind them in the forth row, the seat closest to the window. I was going through my binder when I heard a certain sweet, high-pitched girl voice.

"Goodbye Natsu. Thanks for walking me to class." Lisanna smiled sweetly at Natsu.

Finally Lisanna walked in the classroom and the scanned the room to see where she should take a seat. Then she saw me and smiled before walking toward me.

"Hello Lucy. I didn't know you had this class. I'm glad we have this class together. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Lisanna questions nicely as she point to the empty chair next to me.

"Hey Lis. Is it okay if I call you that?" I question with a bright smile in my face. Lisanna nodded but then spoke.

"Is it okay if I call you Lu?" Lisanna asked and I nodded. Lisanna was like my second best friend after Levy-chan.

I then spoke. "How did your lunch date with Natsu go?" I smirked and grinned at her but on the inside I was dying. I didn't want to ask this question and I feel so nosy but I want to know what happened between them. I act like I don't care but on the inside it's killing me.

Lisanna blushed fifty shades of red. After calming down she spoke again. "I-It was great. We talked about what's been happening in our lives and the reason I had to leave him behind." Lisanna smiled sadly at me.

"If you don't mind, can I know the reason why you left? " I question with a nervous smile.
"But if you don't feel comfortable telling me you don't have to, I understand. " I smile gently.

"Oh no its okay. Your a close friend and I trust you. And besides we should get to know each other more!" Lisanna smiles brightly. I was about to speak again but then I got interupted.
"Oh by the way, I'm really sorry about this morning. When I asked for help it looked like you and Natsu were having a moment." Lisanna giggles but then smiles.

Now it was my turn to blush fifty shades of red. I blushed I wasn't expecting to hear that from Lisanna. "Huh?! Oh no we weren't having a moment, we were just messing and playing around!" I nervously smiled, hoping she wouldn't notice me freaking out. She stared at me for what seem like forever. I gulped nervously. Did she notice my true feelings toward Natsu?

"Okay good." She let out a relief sight. "But I'm still really sorry." Lisanna bowed and gave me an apologetic smile.

"It's okay Lis, don't worry about it." I smile at her, signaling her to forget about ir. But that doesn't mean I was going to forget about it that easily. Why did seem so happy and relieved when I told her there was nothing going on between Natsu and I? I lost my train of thought when Lisanna spoke again.

"So would you like to hear the story now?" She questioned politely waiting for a response.

"Yes, sorry for spacing out." I spoke feeling nervous preparing myself for the story.

Flashback Lisanna pov

"MAMA!" I yelled with panic and fear in my voice. I ran down the hallway as fast as I could. I heard Mira-nee and Elf-nii-chan telling me to stop. But I couldn't stop. How could I stop? I would keep running and I wouldn't stop running, not after hearing that sound, the sound of a gunshot. I ran all I could before my little legs gave out. They were aching telling me stop but I still kept running toward the living room of our house. How did this happen? We were all spending the day together as a family, playing board games, watching movies, laughing and talking. It was a wonderful day, that I would always treasure until it turned to the worst day of my life. All of a sudden we heard banging on the door. I was about to open it, when mother pulled me back and told me to wait. We looked outside the window and saw 3 men, wearing all black and yelling to open the door. I was scared and I looked up to see the color of my mother's face drained. She told Mira-nee to takes us upstairs and find a safe hiding place. But mother stayed behind. Being so stubborn I was I refused to leave without my mother, so Elf-nii-chan had to forcefully pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and start running upstairs. I curled my hand into fists telling him to put me down. We finally arrived upstairs and went into the bathroom closet and locked ourself in. Second turned into minutes and minutes turned to me panicking even more. It had been 10 min. We stayed in there, hoping our mother would be okay. But that all changed when we heard a gunshot and we all froze. Then we heard the men running and slamming our front door shut. Not wanting to wait any loner, I ran to see my mother. When I arrived to the living room all I could do was stand and watch as my mother took her last breathes. I fell to my knees crying "why" over and over again. Mira-nee and Elf-nii-chan came and we're shocked. There we all saw our mother lying in pool of her own blood saying her last words , "live on to see the future" before she disappeared from this world forever.

A/N Lisanna was 13 when this happened

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