Mr Popular And The Outcast

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My alarm shrieked down my ear to awake me on this depressing Monday morning. I don't know what it is about Monday's, it just seems to be the worst day of the week right? Although, I was happy to be going school, to get away from my pathetic excuse of a mother. I could only dream as I do every single morning when I finally have enough money from my part time job at Starbucks to get my own little apartment.

I stepped into the shower to awaken me.

"FUCK!" I screamed as cold water pelted me

God dammit, had my Mom really spent all her money on booze again?! Well there's my refreshing hot shower gone out the window. After my shower I got out and put on the warmest clothes I could find, even though it did look extremely warm outside.

I gathered all my school stuff together and made my way downstairs in time for Mollie to pick me up as she usually does. Mollie is one of the prettiest girls in our school, she is ever boys dream, long blonde hair, blue eyes, petite body, whereas I've got the frizziest hair ever, freckles everywhere on my face, dull brown eyes, the only thing I did like on myself was my body, I attend cross country every Thursday so it helps me keep in shape.

I stepped downstairs trying to avoid the scattered beer bottles that remained on the floor from one of my Moms famous parties she had every weekend but didn't manage as I heard a grunt from the couch which I didn't even realise anyone was lying on since it had that much shit piled up on it.

"Mom?" I moaned

"What?!" She shrieked almost instantly

She did not want to mess with me this morning, a cold shower is not the best way to start a teenagers day off.

"Why the fuck are you shouting at me? If anything I should be going mad at you, not paying the damn water bill again? Really Mom?!" I whined

"I'll get it paid, just stop bugging me!" She pleaded while rubbing her head and making her way into the kitchen probably for some tablets to cure the appeared hang over she had.

I mean, who drinks on a Sunday night?!


I made my way towards the door shaking my head at the poor excuse for a Mother I had. If only my Dad was around, he lived all the way in Australia so I didn't see him that often. Him and my Mother divorced after endless months of aruging over stuff I still don't know about today. They refused to ever tell me so I stopped asking, ever since then my Mom has turned into...this. I've tried to help, I really have. But she won't listen, so there's no point. She's drinking herself to death, and there's nothing I can do about it.

"What's up?" Mollie asked noticing my expression

I really have to stop these deep thoughts at 8am.

"The usual" I sighed while rolling my eyes

"You're always welcome at mine, Summer, you know that right?" She reassured

I nodded while smiling in thanks. I guess you're wondering, why the heck wouldn't I take that offer? But after the death of my brother, Travis, I couldn't bare to leave my Mom on her own, it'd only make her worse, even though me staying there isn't having a positive effect.

After about a 10 minute drive we pulled up into the school carpark, where as usual, Mollie's boyfriend Jay stood waiting for her with the rest of the 'popular' boys. I know, what is a girl like Mollie doing with a nerd like me? Well, we've been best friends forever, and she assured me that's never going to change even though she is popular. It's abit of a countertype isn't it, usually the popular girls are all bitchy? Well, most of them are even the boys, that's why me and Mollie go our seperate ways in school, she can stand being around them I think it's Jay that gets her through, whereas I would rather bathe in acid.

"Hey, babe" Jay smirked while grabbing her like a rag doll and kissing her like there was no tomorrow

Even though this is a sick sight, I like Jay. They've been together for 3 years now and he treats her really nice, another countertype, the popular boy is usually a player right? Well, he's the only one out of the boys that doesn't play girls, which is good to know since he's with my best friend. Otherwise I'd have to chop his dick off.

"I'll see you later Mollie. See ya Jay" I muttered, as I didn't want to interrupt their making out session

"Hang on Summer, why don't you walk in with us for a change?" Jay asked

I raised my eyebrow, why has he only waited till now to ask this? Most probably because he isn't with the rest of his group of friends, because I would rather walk into school with a bunch of Orangutans, since they'd have a higher IQ of the group of them lot put together.

After a moment of hesitation I shrugged and nodded, why the heck not? It was better than walking into school by myself for a change.

Half way down the path we were greeted by the roars of the all the boys diving on Jay rubbing his hair, is this the usual way these people greet each other?

"Jay, dude!"

"Jay man I haven't saw you all weekend!"

Then suddenly I heard one boy chirp in

"Who's poodle head?" Logan Turner asked nodding in direction of me

Poodle head? Like I haven't heard that one before. And I've been in this boys damn English class for nearly 2 years now!

"How originial" I spoke glaring at him

"Woah, I was only kidding. Calm down freckle face" He smirked while rubbing my hair

"Get off me!" I growled whacking his arm away from me

Man this guy was annoying, but Mollie was too busy wrapped around Jay to even bother to help, so I was stuck in the swarm of high school jocks. What a dream.

"Loghan stop being such a jerk" A husky voice spoke

I turned around to see who was defending me, although it was quite surprising. The schools biggest douche Cole Chapman, why the heck was he defending me? His green eyes locked on mine for a second, I could feel my cheeks heating up so quickly turned away.

"Oooh sorry man! I didn't realise you had dibbs on the girl!" Loghan laughed, followed by the laugh of another jerk, Tyler Jones

"I'd have a better chance than you anyday, mate" Cole smirked

"No, I think I would!" Tyler chirped in

I don't know what came over me, but quickly I splurted out

"I would rather sit on a knife than date any of you guys" I sniggered

As their faces turned to shock I turned to Jay whos attention I finally had, along with Mollies.

"Thanks for the offer Jay, but I think I'll stick to walking in on my own if this is what I'd have to put up with every morning. See you later Mollie" I smiled while quickly walking into school.

Holy shit what the fuck did I just do?

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