Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You better just take us to the girls because I need Niall twiggy," Kaiann growled at Paris. "It's Cara ok?" She said closing her eyes keeping back from doing something she'll regret. "So Cara you have the boys mates?" I asked. "Obviously. Jared's probably at the camp torturing them or something," she shrugged like this was something she did everyday. She probably did. Bitch. "God would you calm your thoughts Harry's hoe?" "Cara" snapped at me. I glared at her licking my lips. The smell of blood was so strong it was making my mouth water everywhere. I wiped my drool and I felt something poking out of my gums. Ugh these fangs hurt someone said. I looked over at Kaiann who was staring at me weird..oh my god. I could hear her thoughts. I was getting a package full of surprises today! I couldn't help but keep rubbing my tongue over the pokey teeth sticking out of my mouth. I needed to drink and now. They could fill a cup full of my own blood and drink it. Wait what? I wanted Harry. No. What I really wanted is the cast of Punk'd to come out and surprise me so hard I'd piss myself. Yup that's it. "If you guys are that hungry that you sound like fucking scooby-doo then get a god damn Scooby snack," Cara snapped and dug her long nails into my arm. "And maybe you could get your thumbtacks out of my skin!" I screamed at her tugging my arm out of her grip. "Arie I'd really like to take you back to Harry without a single claw mark on the darling face of yours but your making it impossible. Same here with Mrs. I love Niall," she cackled. "Talk about him like that again and I'd shove your non existent dick so hard down your throat," Kaiann said back which shut Cara up. We all twisted our heads towards the snapping of a branch. We halted a looked around seeing a redneck looking boy step out. "Hey pretty ladies wanna join me in my bedroom?" He slurred stepping towards us. "How about you back the fuck up orphan Annie," Cara hissed at the redhead. "What the hell is y'all's problem? Do you know who I am? I'm Will Daniel!" He screamed at us. Cara chuckled and stepped towards him. "Your the son of the vampire hunter aren't you?" She asked eyeing him. He nodded and got out a pistol. Boy did his blood smell better than Bojangles right now. I just couldn't resist. I pounced forward tackling him to the ground ignoring his screams. "Shut up it'll be quick," I growled and bit into his flesh. I stabbed him with my fangs a few times and he finally lay lifeless on the ground. "Dig in," Kaiann announced taking a big gulp of the blood. "You girls sure do know how to feast," Cara snickered. We finished out feast and were back on our feet. I missed Harry so much. Was he trailing behind us? We're the boys going follow our scent and save us? God how I missed those curls, and everything about that boy, and don't forget about those lips. I was awaken out of my little daydream about curly when I saw a huge bonfire burning off in the distance. "Welcome girls," Cara said and led us into the camp. We stepped inside the gates which were protected by gargoyles and I studied the place. It was like Hollister model central, of course with the exception of the red eyes, the fangs, and of course the murder. They eyed us hungrily and I turned to see Kaiann looking at the thing roasting over the fire. An arm. "You know Cara I thought nothing could be more sick then you but I'm now beginning to differ with that," Kaiann mumbled to Cara. She stiffened and pulled us into a tent. It was like the frikkin Wesley tent from Harry Potter. Harry. Oh god not now. Out stepped a high looking Jared with 3 beautiful girls surrounding him. Fresh cuts and bruises littered them but didn't harm their features. "Ah look what the cat dragged in!" He excitedly said. "More like the dog," I said. The 3 girls laughed but were silenced when he slapped a girl with pink tipped hair across the face. She cried out and clutched her face. "Quit whining Perrie," he hissed turning back to us. I could already see Zayn going ape shit. "You brang us to the girls so were free to go," Kaiann dryly said making her way over to the other 3. "Oh it's not that easy dear Kaiann. You see we finally have all 5 boys mates here, and I think the whole clan has a bit of oh let's say anger they've been wanting to get out," he said while tapping his chin. Cara had us both in a headlock and forced us down on the floor. "Autumn! Take them to the town centre," she hissed at a flawless girl with long brown hair with bangs. She sauntered over keeping her soft red eyes focused on us. She nodded and took both of our hands and leading us wherever. "So your Liam's I suppose?" I ask her. "You've got that right. I love that boy more than anything and being here with this crackhead makes me miss him even more," she said rolling her eyes. I chuckled and got stared from the clan folk. "You know what they plan to do to us right?" She asks us. Me and Kaiann look at each other clearly confused. "Clearly not. They plan to get the boys here by telling them to escort us back and at the right time they'll snap out necks. In front of them," she informs us. Tears brim her eyes and she loosens her grip on us as we reach a platform with chains on it. "They'll find us girls don't worry,"cage whispers and chains us to the platform. Shouldn't I have like vampire strength? "That Cara hoe is on some serious crack with her high as heaven mate," Kaiann said. "HA and they think they're really going to kill us!" I exclaimed. "Arie I don't think I know," a chilling voice whispered. I almost slapped a bitch when I saw Jared was all up on me and in my ear. I looked around to see the rest of the girls chained. A crowd of people had gathered around laughing and mocking us. "Fuck off!" Sophia screamed. Her brown was falling into her face and I could see how frustrated she was not being able to move it. "Guys it's almost midnight," Autumn whispered. "They'll be here soon," Perrie added. The platform began to creak and Cara, Jared, and some other unknown vampires were circling us. "I can't wait to see the look of pain on Harry's face when I snap your neck Arie," Jared chuckled. "I can't wait to see the look of pain on your fucked up face when I kick you in your 2 inch dick," I snapped back and his eyes widened and he took a step back. The others chuckled and he glared at them. "I'd rather just stomp your head into the ground," a husky voice said. Harry's voice. "Harry!" I screamed out. He smiled over at me, his dimples present. "Nice of you boys to join us!" Jared said stepping to greet them. "Our pleasure faggot," Niall said grimacing. "It'll be my pleasure when I snap Autums neck first," He said smiling over at Liam. "You wouldn't dare," Liam growled. "Cara," Jared simply said. "Liam!" We all screamed out as Cara stood behind Liam, a knife raised. "Liammm!" Autumn screamed. Cara plunged the knife into Liam's back and he fell to the ground, followed by Autumn. I was sure I was going to die as I felt cold hands wrap around my neck. "Harry! Harry help!" I cried out as I saw Harry trying to pry Jared's hands off. I screamed out as I heard a sickening crack and fell to the ground, drowning in my tears.

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