Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Harry's Pov

"Fuckkkk," I groaned as I opened my burning eyes. The rays of light hit me and I flinched away. "Shut the fucking blinds Arie," I groggily said, trying to lie down. But I couldn't.

My arms were bound behind my back and the memories fell back into place. Oh my god. "You fucking bastards come out!" I screamed. God where the hell was Arie? I swear their going to be painted with blood on their cracker ass skin if they touched her. "Hey booboo!" A high pitched voice said. I groaned as I saw Ashton walk over to me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled as he kicked the chair I was sat in. "Oh I don't know...might have to do with your little mate Andrea," he snickered. "It's Arie you prick," I spat as I struggled in the chair. "Why the fuck do you all keep coming the hell back to life? How many times do you have to relive your worthless lives?" I asked, smirking as I did.

Ashton lowly growled and harshly kicked the chair again. "If I told you you'd probably murder me. Again," he coldly said as he scraped a chair across the floor and plopped it down in front of mine. "How about a little intervention old buddy?" He chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Get your aids covered hands off me,".

Ashton just chuckled and shook his head. "Do you want answers or not? I bet my girlfriend is not so happy with me being away so long," he said. "Girlfriend?".

"I reckon you know her, probably by the name of Arie," he evilly chuckled. No. No. "Fuck you! She's mine not yours!" I screamed, fangs bared as I shook in my chair. "Oh you wouldn't believe the way the feeling of her lips on mine gives me," he said as he closed his eyes. I made an inhuman noise, hell I wasn't human.

I glared over as the heavily chained door creaked open. Niall with bruises scattered across his face, and stale tears painted his face, walked in. "Niall!" I yelled. He managed a faint smile to me before standing ground next to Ashton. "Sit down," Ashton said pointing over to another chair in the corner. Niall dragged it over before sitting down besides me.

"So boys I'd like to tell you everything, about everyone, about your situation, everything you'd ever want to know. Everything except one person," he shrugged.

I shook my head to keep my dry curls out of my sight and breathed heavily. "Who?" I asked, already knowing in my cold disintegrating heart that it was "her".


Arie's Pov

I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet as I stood in the middle of the plain white room. "Shut the hell up," Megan bluntly said outside the guarded door. I couldn't handle this.

After seeing Kaiann's dead body roll down the stairs, her own newborn killed without mercy, beaten beaten upside the head, and of course my new obstacle in this never ending hell.

The deal.

*4 hours ago*

"He's not awake," I heard Ashton's terrifying voice outside the room. "Go, just do it now you wuss," Megan whispered. I was dying of thirst and was literally going to dry out without the coppery taste of blood, and even human blood sounded rather quenching right now.

"Honeyyyy I'm home," Ashton's couch rang out, and may I say dripping with sarcasm as he sauntered into the room.

His bulging muscles tightened around my waist and pulled me to his cold chest. "Where the fuck is Harry," I growled as I tried to pull away from his strong vampire grip. Fuck wasn't I supposed to be stronger?! I still felt like a 7 year old girl trying to escape from a van full of "candy". There was no god damn way I could get away. "Ah well darling that's what I'm here to talk about," he whispered into my ear and pulled away. He sat Indian style on the floor and motioned for me to do the same. I rolled my eyes and did so.

"Blood," Ashton loudly called out, clearly confusing me but was quickly jumping up and down as Megan came in with a styrofoam cup full of that delicious red liquid I was craving. I ripped it out of her hands and gulped it down and chucking the cup at Ashton's face.

The leftover drops of whatever kind of blood splattered across his face and he cringed. Stupid prick. "So Harry, what did you have to tell me about him?" I asked as I twirled my messy hair around my slender finger. "Let's just say I have a deal. To keep both you and little bitch boy alive," be calmly said. I growled and was about to rip his god damn trachea out. Damn I'm super violent today. Must be on my period.

Ashton cleared his throat and folded his hands into his lap. His usually emotionless, yet pervy when he wants to be, face set into a serious stone.

"So here's the deal- and DONT fucking say no. I need you to pretend to be in love with me, Harry to hate you. To despise you. Because here's a quick tip for you, your actually firstly mine and he took you away from me. So if you just played along and you know, "loved" me it would set him off. You would keep him alive just by loving me. He would hate you, and hell what else would he have to keep on running for if your not even there for him? He could do so much for us and make us stronger. Arie I know you don't understand anything I'm fucking saying because I've only told you a quarter of what your supposed to know but I promise if you go with this your saving 2 lives and finding out the story of your life," he breathlessly said.

I didn't know anything. I had to go against Harry, make him hate me, be disgusted in me just for them to use him? But for what? Hell I was keeping us alive if I was agreeing to this but what was in it for me? I wasn't Ashton's, but why was I even here? Yes I was Harry's mate but what was the story behind all this?

"Tick tock babe," he blandly said picking at his nails. "I-I," I stuttered and looked at the ceiling. It was so painful thinking about Harry hating me, even wanting to end me. But I was letting him live for whatever this was for.

"Deal," I choked. Ashton wickedly smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I broke away in disgust and kept the tears back by biting my lip. Ashton harshly grabbed my chin and his red eyes burned into mine. "Rule number one. Kiss back,, do everything say when I do it and don't resist especially in front of Harry," he coldly said. I nodded and felt myself going numb inside.

He nodded and threw in a copper coloured short skirt and a crop top at me. "Get dressed- we've got a show too put on for our first act for Harry. Oh and by the way we also have a little funereal for that little animal Megan killed," he lowly chuckled before walking out and loudly locked the door.

I was in hell and I'm pretty sure I was going to be in a pure rape feast with satan later on.


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