Chapter 14

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Monday morning
I was at my locker with Ariana and Shelby and when Josh was walking by I noticed him staring at Ariana's butt. I didn't tell her but I think that she already knew.
Bella- soooooo..... I saw you and josh
Ariana- oh he's just a friend
Shelby - be careful cuz he's horny
Ariana - I know we are just playing around
Bella- yea ok "playing around "
Ariana- trust me he's just playing
Shelby- then why was he staring at your butt
Ariana- let's change the subject cuz this is getting weird.
Bella- do you like him?
Ariana- just as a friend
Shelby- your lying
Ariana - I know better then to be liking a fuckboy
Bella- I know just don't let him bother you
Ariana- i won't and besides he flirts with every other girl , that's why him and Hayes bond so well
We all started laughing so hard.
Gabe- what are you laughing about
Bella- nothing bro ( I call him my brother)
Gabe- please tell me sis
Bella- no not right know
Gabe- mom sissy won't tell me (calls Ariana mom)
Ariana- ask your cousin Shelby
Gabe-shel (Shelby cuts him off)
Shelby- we were laughing about how Josh and Hayes bond so well because they are horny
Gabe- that is so true to be honest
Dante- what's true
Bella- that Hayes and Josh are horny
Dante- aye don't talk about my boys like that
Ariana- admit it they're horny
Dante- I'll admit it if you admit if your a bitch
Ariana - no but I know deep inside your bitchy soul that you know it's true.
Dante- girl, you put on 20 pounds of makeup a day.
We all started laughing
Ariana- Dante you don't know shit
Shelby- you do put a lot of makeup on tbh
Ariana- shut up Shelby
Gabe- fight , fight , fight
Ariana- ok I'll fight you
Gabe- babe I would beat you down
Dante- nah bro she would whip your ass
Bella- I'm rooting for Gabe
Ariana- of course you are
Bella- I'm rooting for my bro
Gabe- thanks sis , are you rooting for me daddy ( talking to Dante )
Dante- beat mom down
Bella- we better get to class the bell is gonna ring in 3 minutes
Gabe- we'll finish this later
Ariana- ok bye Gabriel
Gabe- don't call me that
Ariana- bye Gabey

I walked into English and we had just finished Romeo and Juliet. In science we were learning about the periodic table . In history we are doing a project on Austria and Prussia. In human development we are learning about birth and its gross. In Spanish we are learning about preterite verbs. In pe we are playing kickball. And in math we are learning geometry .

After school I went over Ariana's house and we did our homework but Shelby couldn't come because she had failed her Spanish test.
Ariana- so how was Brad on Friday
Bella- he was really nice to me when Mia was rude as always
Ariana- I hate that girl and her minions Hallie and Abby .
Bella- her friends are so peppy I want to hit them with sticks.
Ariana- I know right , but back to the real issue , so is Brad the guy you thought he was
Bella- he is way nicer then I thought but we both want to be friends for now
Ariana- that's cool
Bella- so what about you and Josh
Ariana- it's nothing he's just flirting with me and trust me I don't like him.
Bella- ok I believe you
Ariana - oh I almost forgot I'm inviting the squad over on Friday night
Bella- yay I like when we hang out
Ariana - you should invite Chloe she's really nice
Bella- ok I will
Ariana - do you talk in math
Bella- yea and plus she helps me if I don't get something
Ariana- yea and she's really pretty and we needed a blonde in the squad
Bella- I guess
Ariana- Oml the fight is live right now
Bella- what do you mean
Ariana- gabe is facetimeing me
Bella- pick up!
Gabe- lets goooooo
Ariana- ok , your birth cetificate was an apology from the condom company
Gabe- that is so old
Ariana- shut up and who is with you right now
Gabe- Tyler , Dante , Jacob and Connor
Bella - heyyyyy guys
Jacob- sup bells d
Bella- stop calling me that
Tyler - yeah dude that sounds so wrong
Dante- Bella I didn't know you had one
Ariana - Dante what I do know is that you have what we have.
Jacob- ohhhhh she told you
Dante- Ariana do I see a centipede or is that your upper lip
Gabe- he got you there
Ariana- Dante are those abs or are you just wearing a body suit like usual.
Tyler- Dante they beat you
Jacob- Give up already
Dante- is it just me or is the amount of makeup you wear more than your math grade
Jacob- oh shit
Gabe- this just got real
Ariana- Gabe is it just me or are you flexing in a no flex zone
Tyler- that was a stupid comeback
Bella- I agree
Dante- give up chicky
Ariana- I have a story , so when Dante was in preschool he......
( Dante hangs up)
Bella- what happened?
Ariana - he pooped on our teacher
Bella- Hahaha
Ariana- and then the teacher puked
Bella- I can't stop laughing
Ariana- he is way too embarrassed to tell anyone
Bella- oh I gotta go Cameron's here
Ariana - tell him he's hot
Bella- ew no
Ariana- your brother is super hot tho
Bella- he's not tho
Ariana- that's your opinion
Bella- no it's cuz he's my brother and I gotta go
Ariana- Kk bye

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