Chapter 49

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At the house
Hayes- lets talk
Bella- where?
Hayes- in your room
Bella- what do you wanna talk about
Hayes- look I didn't mean what I said the other day
Bella- how am I supposed to believe that
Hayes- just trust me
Bella- the last time I trusted you, you cheated on me
Hayes- bad example
Bella- ya think
Hayes- just hear me out
Bella- go on
Hayes- I've just been having mood swings
Bella- wow are you having a man period
Hayes- ha ha , now back to what I was saying
Bella- keep speaking
Hayes- I haven't been myself lately
Bella- actually you haven't been yourself since....
Hayes- since when
Bella- forget it
Hayes- what since we broke up
Bella- actually I broke up with you
Hayes- that's not the point
Bella- just saying
Hayes- I don't know what's been going on with me lately
Bella- I don't know either
Hayes- I have this feeling that I like this one girl but my mind is telling me that it wants more girls
Bella- do what your heart tells you to do
Hayes- are you sure about this
Bella- I'm positive and just trust me
Hayes - so I should do what my heart tells me to do
Bella- yeah
Hayes- ok
I felt him looking into my eyes and then he pressed his forehead against mine
Bella- wait you still like me
Hayes- I haven't stopped
Bella- then why did you date Mia, Lauren, Stacey, Vanessa and.....
Hayes- I get it I've gone out with a lot of girls
Bella- then if you like me why did you go out with them?
Hayes- I thought if I dated them I would get over you but it didn't work
Bella- oh
Hayes- I really like you Bella
Bella- I like you too
This time he kissed me really slow and our lips were in sync . We kissed for a minute until I pulled away.
Bella- I don't think I can do this
Hayes- why?
Bella- you cheated on me and I don't think I can trust you
Hayes- that's in the past
Bella- you should also know that I like another boy
Hayes- I know about Brad
Bella- when I said I liked you I didn't mean it in the way you thought, I think
Hayes- so you don't like me
Bella- I don't know
Hayes- then why did you kiss me
Bella- you kissed me
Hayes- you kissed me back
Bella- I don't know why I kissed you
Hayes- neither do I
He got up and started to leave
Bella- I didn't mean it that way
Hayes- make up your mind, do you like me or not?
Bella- I need time to think
Hayes- let me know
Bella- k
Hayes- By the way I think of you the same way I thought of you when we went out
Bella- thanks
Hayes- wow that's all I get
Bella- yup cuz all I got was cheated on
Hayes- stop Bells
Bella- please go
Hayes- ok
To be honest my feelings are confusing me and I know that I like Brad but I don't know if I like Hayes. I'm scared to let him back into my life. Brad is cute but Hayes was my first love so I'm really confused.

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