Chapter One

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Tina was a happy kid up until about half way through 3rd grade, she started to shy away from new things and kept away from new people. No one ever noticed or said anything because she hid it so well. She put a smile on her face everyday for school so that no one would notice the fact that she was becoming more and more depressed about what was going on in her life. Looking back at it now it probably wasn't a big deal, but one day during school, a girl 'accidently' tripped her. As her knees were bleeding the girl laughed with all her other friends and pointed at Tina calling her a fat pig. Tina wasnt a fat girl, she was one of the skinniest girls in school and she had perfect brown hair and brown eyes, maybe this is why the other girls made fun of her, because they were jealous. That still gave them no right to laugh at her and call her those disgusting names. School just became another part of her day and she didn't LOVE going anymore. She didn't LOVE math class anymore and she wasn't interested in the after school activities, that was at one point, the only reason she would go to school. She just wasn't herself anymore.

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