Behind Our Lies

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(A/N: Heyho, Cutie Patooties! 

This is my first FanFiction and I am really excited! I really hope it is good and you guys will have fun or something and I know it starts slow, but if you would stick to it I would be incredibly happy! I promise it gets better <3

Also, English isn't my first language, so please excuse tiny mistakes! Tell me if you like it in the comments and please vote like crazy !!! :) )

Jessica Snow is 18. She isn't much of anything right now. After all, she is trying to leave everything she ever knew and was behind for a new life. Ending up in Los Angeles, she can finally start to live again. But she is not prepared for suddenly being watched by the public, having to be perfect, pretending to be someone other than herself.

Harry Styles is 18. He left behind his old life to live his dream of being 1/5 of One Direction. He loves the career he has, the four brothers he gained and his fans. But there's doubts and insecurities he pushes back as hard as he can. The things he can't get used to. His every move being watched, having to be perfect, pretending to be someone other than himself.

When meeting one another, both Jessica and Harry can't keep their eyes from the other. Between them is something neither of them can explain. As their careers connect, Jessica is thrown in all the same trouble Harry is already used to - and hates.

While they are struggling to keep up the masks and lies for the public, their fate seems to push them towards each other over and over again. And slowly, they begin to see past the lies of each other...

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