Chapter 2

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March 26th 2012

I wake up suddenly when I am hit by Louis’ arm as he stretches next to me.

Still half asleep I shift in my uncomfortable seat and open my eyes carefully. I am glad to see that the lights are still turned off mostly, only on the sides of the small plane comes soft yellow light.

Becoming aware of the pressure on my ears I yawn a couple of times and stand up to stretch. I have a window seat, so I need to climb over the sleeping Louis’ to be able to stand up straight.

Scratching the back of my head, I walk up and down between the few rows of seats in the first class section.

I bet my hair is all messed up! I think. I run my hands through my curls a couple of times to refresh them. Coming from behind me I hear a chuckle. Niall is laughing at me doing my hair! I decide to give it up and just put a Beanie on later. Nobody’s going to see me anyways, right? Security is going to keep us from the public, if possible.

If not, the fans are not going to hate me just because of my messy hair, right?

It still feels crazy. Completely weird and unreal.

Us, five random guys from the UK, lucky enough to even get into the X-Factor, then ending up third place, are now an international…sensation. There are girls screaming my name every time we have a concert or a signing or whatever is currently going on.

It is breathtaking, this life we’re now living.

And in moments like these... I get lost in it. When it is quiet and I am alone and awake, two things that tend to not happen at the same time in the last months, I start to think. About what I left behind. About the people I haven’t seen since Christmas…

Has it really been more than three months already? About things I forget about normally or I don’t want to think about. About the pressure that comes with this life.

No mistakes can be made in public. No upsetting rumors can be started. Sometimes we can’t even say what truly is on our minds…

“Ladies and Gentleman, we are now very close to Los Angeles, California, and are currently preparing for landing. We should arrive in less than half an hour, so please prepare yourselves with putting up the tables and fastening your seatbelts. Straighten out the back of your seat as well, please. I hope you had a nice flight with…”

I climb back over Louis just as a flight attendant gives me a nod to do so. He woke up from the pilot’s announcement and looks at me now.

“Are you alright, Harry?” he asks. I nod absentmindedly and fasten my seatbelt as instructed. I have the feeling it wouldn’t be the best timing for me to talk to Louis about my insecurities right before we arrive in L.A.

This is too important for us.


March 27th 2012

“That’s what makes you beautiful!”

I jerk my head up, woken from the daze I had been in for the past few hours. The sudden music scared me.

I try to orientate myself, taking in the scenery of a bus crowded with people either passed out or desperately trying to pass out around me.

The old guy smelling like pine needle scented candles and old people sweat next to me is drooling on his shirt. I dab on the wet spot with the napkin I kept from last stop’s coffeeshop and listen to the rest of the song. I figure that the bus driver switched on the radio to not fall asleep himself.

The last tunes fade out and a guy with a nice, deep voice announces the band’s name is “One Direction”, newcomers from the UK and obviously an instant hit. I wouldn’t know, we only get one radio station back home and our TV has been broken since forever.

But I like what I heard. Maybe I’ll buy their CD in Los Angeles? I shouldn’t waste money though.

I have been in this bus for way too long. I arrived in Denver when the sun was just up, and then had to wait for my bus to come at 9 in the morning. The route that it goes takes more than 26 hours, with stops at Salt Lake City and Phoenix where the Bus Drivers switch.

After already driving for 18 hours and definitely no good night sleep I feel awful. It’s three in the morning at home now. Is it here? Or have we already switched Time Zones?

I stare at the wet napkin in my hand blankly, debating what to do about it and finally just leaving it on the old man’s shoulder. He’ll need it anyways!

Drifting back into a state closest to sleep I can get I listen to the bus driver switching the radio stations ever so often and dream of what’s going to happen once I leave the bus.

 I am basically soaked in my own sweat when I step off the bus after 27 hours and 53 minutes of being on the road. It’s about 11am in LA.

Deciding the first thing I need is a coffee, I walk out of the bus area and into a part of the city. It isn’t what you see in magazines, not the Hollywood Hills or a really cool street with High Fashion Shops.

It is dirty and stuffy, the sun heating up the concrete. It feels like I’m being fried! After walking for a few minutes I reach a cute little coffeeshop. It says “Starbucks” on the sign. Nice. Inside a chalkboard says something about a May special offer for anything cold. This is just perfect!

After being handed an Iced Something by the really nice girl behind the counter I sit down instead of going back out in the sun. A few minutes in the cold can’t be bad!

“Hey! Hey girl, I’m sorry to wake you, but we’re closing now!”, a voice wakes me. I look up and have to blink a few times to get my eyes to focus.


She laughs and shakes her strawberry blonde curls.

“You fell asleep, cutie! I didn’t want to wake you, you seemed really exhausted!”, she smiles.

“WHAT? What time is it?”, I yell, panicked. I still need to look for a place to sleep and then get there. I can’t afford a taxi if I want to save as much money as possible and figuring out the bus system takes time too!

“It’s nine o’ clock, girl!” Her smile has dropped and she looks a bit worried now. “Are you alright?”, she asks.

As I explain my situation to her, stumbling over my words, her smile returns. When I’m finally done, embarrassed and apologizing for the one hundredth time, she shakes her head again.

“You know what? I’ll take you home to my place. You can sleep on the couch and won’t have to worry about this until tomorrow, ok?”

I try to object. I really do. It seems so impolite, like I’m taking advantage of her. She is a stranger, after all. I am a stranger to her, some random girl that fell asleep in her pretty little coffee shop. But then again I really don’t have a place to stay and crashing on a park bench on my first night is not what I had expected.

On the ride home in a small purple car, no clue which model it actually is, I finally think of asking her name.

“Oh god, I didn’t even think of introducing myself! I’m so sorry, cutie! My name is Holly! Holly Johns. And who are you?”

“Nice to meet you, Holly. I’m Jessica Snow. But continue calling me cutie, if you want to!”

I laugh with her as we drive through dozens of streets, leaving me completely lost at a place that is still all lit up with more people living in probably one apartment complex than my whole little town has.

(A/N: Sooooo, what do you guys think? :) I would be really happy about a few comments or votes or idk. Just some feedback would be lovely :) Is anybody really reading?

Please don't be shy to criticize me either, ok?)

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