Chapter 3

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Early October 2012

A woman named Millie measures me from head to toe. I feel myself blushing as her hands go all over my bare skin. The only thing I’m wearing is a tiny lace slip and my hands keep going to my breasts to cover up.

I know she doesn’t think anything while doing this, it’s her job after all. But I feel so exposed in front of others. I hate this. Being vulnerable and naked!

“Are you excited for the Fotoshoot, Jess?”, Millie asks me. She has a nice voice, full and soft. This is how I would imagine the voice of a perfect mother. She doesn’t really look like one though. Her hair is a bright blond, put in the puffiest ponytail I have ever seen and wears clothes at the age of 31 that I wouldn’t even dare to wear now. But she has been nothing but nice to me, so I try to find her looks nice.

Nodding I say: “Yes, of course. But I’m so nervous! I’m the only new girl this year, so all the other girls already know what to do!”

Some of the other models around me laugh. Another reason for me to be nervous; I’m almost naked in front of about 12 other girls, all taller and probably skinnier than me. I am the first short Victoria’s Secret Model in the entire history of the runway shows.

When I bumped into a gray haired man in an extremely tight and expensive looking Armani suit at the Starbucks my friend and roommate Holly works in, I didn’t know who he was. I probably should have.

Seth Applebaum is something between a legendary model agent and an iconic male model from the 90’s when the first top models were discovered. He owns his own model agency and works with the biggest clients you could imagine. And one of his so called “babies” is…Victoria’s Secret.

After I had spilled my coffee over him and apologized a thousand times, he stopped me with a flick of his hand. “Honey” he said, “you are just perfect!” When he realized how confusing this was, he started to explain.

How VS wanted a new image for the brand. How they had bad press for the models being all skinny and flawless, a bad influence on young girls as it put pressure on them to look just like the models.

How they searched for a “normal” girl to be Victoria’s Secret’s new star.

How I would still look pretty much like the beauty ideal, but being a few inches shorter than the other girls and being curvier than all of them, I looked more like the girl next door. And that that’s what they needed for the marketing and especially the show this year.

Surprisingly, they actually took me. And this is how I landed here, at the 2012 Victoria’s Secret Fashion show! I will be the Grand Finale of the PINK show, the line for younger girls. Since I signed the contract back in July, I have done nothing but work. Photo shootings for the Christmas Catalog this year, for beauty products that came out during the past months and even a TV commercial for a perfume that I did together with the other girls that model for Pink.

And finally, today there is going to be the press conference introducing me as one of the new Angels, although I’m not officially one of them. I am signed as one of Seth’s models in his agency and have a temporary contract with VS. Still, to me it’s the most important day of my life! And there will be a surprise. Seth set up a meeting to prepare me for that before the conference.

After I’m done being measured I get told to dress in an outfit that has been put together for me earlier today. 

I stare at the high black leggings, half leather and half…something like cotton, and bite my lip. I would have never worn anything like that. Too…dangerous! But I put them on together with the lacy white top next to them and…my own classic black converse! No more High Heels for me today. There also is a short Jeans jacket to go with it and some gold jewelry.

I feel dressed up. Costumed! Not myself… They pull my hair in a wavy high ponytail and do soft red brown makeup on my eyes. I feel so uncomfortable. Up until my time as a model I would have never worn such tight clothes. And most of my clothes were from secondhand shops or cheap stores anyways.

Feeling like a doll or something I follow one of the concierges of the hotel where the press conference will be held into a “small” conference room upstairs. Small still means three times bigger than my room though!

Seth greets me with kisses on the cheek as I walk in and keeps talking until he considers my shyness to be gone. His behavior is always over the top and he is a diva, but I feel comfortable around him. Something about his attitude tells me that he is safe, other than some men I met before.

“So, Jessica, Honey, listen! This is a big chance for you and I have the biggest trust in you, that you will do awesome! All these cute little girls out there are waiting for someone like you to show them real beauty, honey!” He speaks fast and smiles, but his thick eyebrows change his expression. I can’t tell if he is nervous or excited, so I decide to wait.

But although I keep smiling on the outside, I feel a knot tie inside my stomach. I know this is a good thing and all, but what if the people out there don’t want to see me? What if a more normal body isn’t…what they like? I only had good feedback until now, but today will invite a way bigger audience to judge me!

“…So we thought we could push more than one career at once and bring our message across at the same time!” Seth gives me a huge grin and I immediately feel guilty about not listening.

“Huh?”, I ask and feel my cheeks getting warm.

Seth ignores me and motions towards the now opening door.

“Jessica, meet One Direction! They will be singing when you walk the runway!”

Through the door walk the five guys I already know from magazine covers and TV shows by now. I am nervous as I shake their hands one after the other; Liam’s first, who has a firm and warm handshake, then Niall’s, short and awkward, Zayn’s, who doesn’t really seem to be all that interested, and Louis’, who’s is stronger than I expected.

Louis keeps my hand in his and spins me around, grinning at me and talkingtalkingtalking about how nice it is to meet me. When I can finally free me hand I turn back and bump right into Harry’s chest. We both jump a little and take a step back and now the space between us is awkwardly big. I half giggle and extend my hand while taking a small step towards him.

“Hi!” My voice is funny, half a whisper and half a laugh. I blush and look up to see how he reacts. His eyes meet mine right when our hands touch, mine completely disappearing under his long fingers. For a second we both don’t move, holding hands and locking eyes. His eyes are green and deep, framed by long, dark lashes and I feel my heart dropping into my belly and being pulled up again, reminding me of the feeling I get on rollercoasters.

When he pulls his hand back he answers. “Hi…” Oh god, his voice is deep! I blush even more, thinking how sexy that sounds. He looks away and I see a light pink creep on his cheeks too. His hand goes up to the curly mess on his head and does a motion that seems like a well trained habit, pushing his curls to the side. With long steps he moves over to the other boys and while I greet a man that turns out to be their manager and then say hi to their bodyguard, they settle down around a large round table.

 (A/N: Soooooo, this is the third Chapter and I really hope you liked it, people! :) Comment and Vote if you did or tell me what to do better! Anything!

I don't know if anybody looks at this at all, but I'll keep writing...)

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