Chapter 1

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(A/N: Hey, Expers! So this is my main story right now! Yay! It's finally up. I will be updating it as much as I can and hopefully that can be often. Love you guys! See you at the end.)


Chapter 1

*Barit's POV* 

I'm done. I'm so out of this place. It's finally that time. Summer. More specifically, the summer I drive. Sorry. I'm so rude. My name's Barit. Barit Kaspin. And I'm leaving my home. The place I grew up. 

Right as I got up this morning, I got dressed, threw everything in the car, and grabbed some pizza from the fridge as well as a few hundred bucks from my mom's wallet. I was too lazy to make anything else and decided to get coffee on the way. The sooner I can leave this hell hole, the better. Correction, the sooner I can leave my depressed mother and her crazy boyfriend, the better. They beat me now. That's why I'm leaving. 

Anyways here I go, driving away from everything I know. To the place I've always wanted to be. Dallas. My father's favorite city. Let's just leave it at that.... It hurts too much to say anything just yet. As the day went on, it just got hotter as the buildings and fields passed. And it was beautiful. A nice break from the dull surroundings of Phoenix. 

Just as I passed over the border into Texas, my phone rang. Once I saw the caller ID, instant regret flowed over me. But I had to. For the last time. 

"Hello?" I said, trying as hard as I could not to let my voice crack. 

"Barit Leigh Kaspin! Where are you?!? Come home right this instant." My mother's cruel voice sent my head spinning. I couldn't even remember how she spoke to me before my father died. There... I said it. He died in a freak car crash. I'm but... I'll talk about it later I guess.... 

"I'm gone, Mother. I'm in Texas," I replied coldly, my voice blunt. 

"Texas? TEXAS?!?" she yelled at me, which caused me to pull the phone away from my ear. "What are you doing in Texas? If you don't come back to home right now, I'm going to come and get you." 

My heart clenched at the idea. "I'm leaving. Legally I might add. Mother -Carrie-, I'm not coming 'home' and I'm no longer your property either." To my relief, my voice was calm and collected. The complete opposite of what I was feeling. And, before I could hear her most likely crude reply, I hung up. I hung up on my own mother. And the feeling I was returned with was absolutely amazing. 

Just as my smile appeared, it disappeared. My car slowly sputtered to a stop and, when I look at my dashboard, it slowly hit me that my car was dead. It's battery... was dead. 

"GOD FLIPPING DANGIT!" I couldn't help yelling to myself. I stepped out of my car and ran a hand through my messy blond hair. As I leaned back against my car with a sigh, there was a hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey. You need a ride?"

*Jason's POV* 

Ahh. Another great day of recording and hanging with the Stars. I hopped on my server today and recorded a few rounds of Survival Games. The Stars were great. Always, supportive. I'd spent the rest of the day, after recording, meeting up with Adam and Ty. They'd just flown in for a visit and are leaving tomorrow morning. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by headlights on the side of the road. When I looked over at the waiting car, my mind went blank. In front of me was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. And then I noticed her head was hung in the classic look of defeat. I couldn't stop myself and, before I knew what I'd done, I was out of my car walking up to her. 

"Hey. You need a ride?" When I spoke, I mentally face palmed myself. What the hell am I doing? I'm just walking up to this random girl and asking her if she wanted to get into your care, that's what you're doing. Come on, Jason are you trying to look like some sort of pedofile? 

She quickly spun on me, her hands up in defence. "Who are you? Why are you talking to me?" she said. Her eyes shone in my headlights and a hint of worry was clearly etched on her face. 

To be fair, she was right. It probably wasn't my best decision ever to just come up behind her and expect her to let me give her a ride. I mean sure, I've seen the comments on my twitter and instagram that I'm "good looking," but who says she thinks so? 

"Hello?" My thoughts were broken yet again by her. But this time, accompanied with a slap. 

"Ow! What was that for?" I said, cupping my left cheek with my hand. 

"One, I asked you a question and to be polite, you would have answered it. Two, you flipping walked up to me and asked if I wanted to ride in your car. You deserved that slap!" 

I couldn't help but smile at that, because it's true. I really did deserve that slap. 

"I was just trying to help out," I said with a half smile practically plastered on my face. 

She let out a small sigh. "Sorry. It's just that I just got off the phone with my mom and... I'm tense." At this, I gave her a sympathetic smile. "Plus my car just died." She smiled a little, patting her old, beaten up car. 

"Listen, I'm sorry too. You just seemed a kinda beaten down and I thought I could help." I couldn't help but put my hand over her's. 

She turned away, but not before I saw her sudden blush. 

"Come with me? I promise I'm not some crazy murderer. Or a pedo." 

Just as I said this, she smiled, slipped her hand away and opened her trunk. She picked up a bag and headed over to my still-running car. 

"Are you going to help me or just stand there with a stupid smile on your face?" she said, her smile now a smirk. 

I laughed, but didn't say anything. I just picked up the one other bag, put it in my back seat and got into the drivers side. 

"Here we go," I said, amusement in my voice, before I started driving with her beside me.


(A/N: Alright, Expers. Skylar here and I hope you liked that first installment of "Mirrored Stars." I'm really happy with it so far. Tell me your thoughts in the comments. And you know, you can always vote, follow and share. Thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time. Later, Stars.)

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