2015 (sorry tay)

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This year

It has been one of the most confusing years ever

But I'm finally finding myself and who I am.

I came out to friends i thought I'd never tell, and who support me all the way.

Thank you to those friends

Thank you to my parents, because although I haven't come out to you yet, you are still supportive of my views etc. And I know you'll accept me.

Thank you to Taya, lilac-nights , who made my journey 500x easier. Because if I didn't have you, I don't know where I'd be. If I'd even be here at all, in all honesty.

Thank you to the people who made me feel like shit. I now know who not to trust.

Thank you to my teachers, who made me so fucking stressed all the time and did my head in. Because eventually I have seriously improved academically.

Thank you to life because although you're a pain in the asshole, I am glad you've given me this opportunity to stick it to the man. (School of rock reference??)

Have a merry Christmas🎅🏻, and a happy new year🎉

As always, stay safe

Peace out bitches🤘🏼

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