For the Greater Good

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter

Rating: K+

Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Poppy Pomfrey

Time period: First Book

~For the Greater Good~

"Voldemort said that he only killed my mother because she tried to stop him from killing me. But why would he want to kill me in the first place?" Harry spoke in a soft whisper. I sighed I knew this day would come. The day Harry would be old enough to question the facts laid down to him. I looked into his green eyes so much like his mothers. Lily had been a strong independent person who at time could be very stubborn and I knew Harry would be the same. I wanted to tell him, about the prophesy and the terrible truth about his scar but I couldn't because I knew it would haunt him, he was only, of course, just an eleven year old child. Deep down I knew he had the right to know but I pushed that nagging feeling away.

This was all for the greater good, of course.

I turned to Harry again and explained to him how I simply couldn't tell him. That when he is ready, he would be told. Harry paused, his eyes showed slight frustration and disappointment. "But why couldn't Quirrel touch me?" he asked. I sighed again, this time in relief; this would be easier to answer. The reason he couldn't be touched was because Voldemort couldn't stand being touch with something as pure as love. Of course I knew this was only half of the complete truth but it was way too complicated for an eleven year old.

This was all for the greater good, of course.

It went on like this, him asking a question and me answering half-truthfully until Poppy came to shove me out of the wing to help her patient. I left Harry with a small tale of my youth, hopping to ease his fear and to make up for all the missing pieces I left for him to solve. As I left, I passed Mr Weasley and Miss Granger trying to convince Poppy to let them see their friend. I knew they would stick with Harry in till the end as well as face the horror Harry was destined to face.

This was all for the greater good, of course.

Later that night I sat up in my office, pondering the future and more specifically, Harry's. He had a long way ahead of him and I knew he was destined to die at the end. This saddened me greatly as I have grown fond of the boy and wonder how different it would have been if James and Lily were alive. Harry would have a loving family and he wouldn't have to go through all this. He sometimes wondered is it worth it, putting him through all this. Being in danger every second, growing up without love or trust. This train of thought always ended the same way. It was worth risking one person to save all else.

This was all for the greater good, of course.

A/N: Hate it? Like it? Please R and R for my first one shot. I know it's very short but it was supposed to be. I first made it a drabble but decided to add more to it I hope you don't mind. I hope to add another one shot soon.

For the Greater Goodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें