Enter The Speed Force

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     I saw my entire life reversing, starting from my future. It ended up reversing until the night my mom was killed, but I didn't end up in another earth. I ended up in some . . . space of energy.

    "Barry. Barry Allen."

I turned around. It was Racer. "Why are you killing all these speedsters, Racer?!" He looked at me like I was dumb.

    "You haven't figured it out by now?"

    "No, I haven't."

    "Hasn't Sela told you enough?"


    "Every time a connection to the speed force is cut off, it increases the quantity of access to it all speedster throughout time and space get. I am killing speedsters to get faster."

    "How much speed do you need?"

    "I need enough to balance out."

    "What do you mean, balance out?"

    "The speed force energy in my body is nothing but pure time energy, the energy between the fabrics of time. As a result, I'm in a loop. I every time I run to the exhaust point of this time energy, I go beyond a Planck Instant, sending me to the next earth. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing is happening to you."

    "How do you-"

    "A speedster can sense any connection to the speed force, whether that connection is a speedster or not. Anyway, any speedster throughout space and time besides us has pure space energies in their body, not time. I need to balance the amount of space energy and time energy in my body so not only will I stop switching universes randomly, but I'll be able to control when I travel through time and space and what earth or time I go to."

    "You can choose what earth pretty easily."

    "There's enough space energy in my body to choose what earth. I just have to go into the speed force rather than think about what earth."

    "So, that's where we are? The speed force?"

    "Yes. This is how I've been able to choose which earth."

    "Well, I have a question."

    "What is it?"

    "Why don't you just kill me? Even though I am in the loop, my space energy hasn't faded yet."

    "Good question. That's 'cause I need you, Barry. But don't worry. We will meet again, and the day will come when we'll have the chance to kill each other. But until then, enjoy the loop."

He ran away from me, into a stream of yellow and red energy, him fading from existence. I ran in after him. Then, the energy became lightning. The lightning became blurs. The blurs became a reality. I was in another earth.

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