First date

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•he brought you to a Chinese all you can eat buffet then you guys took a walk through town and got ice cream.

•Zach was stressing on where to bring you for your first date because he wanted it to be perfect so you set up a picnic by the beach and Nick drove Zach there and you surprised him.

Nick-Netflix (no chill)😂
•after Nick broadcasted he called you and said bring comfy close. Once you got to his house he had made popcorn and an air mattress was in the living room you guys ate popcorn and watched funny movies and you fell asleep in his arms.

•you guys went to the fair and went on every ride possible and went to play a few games where you guys won each other stuff.

•Edwin told you he had a surprise for you and told you to come with him, he brought you to the beach and you walked around for two hours just talking.

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