First kiss

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Rudan- bedroom
•you and Rudan just finished watching ULL☺️(you would get that if you knew 5quad the first time they were in Miami) and you turned towards him, he looked in your eyes which he doesn't do with a lot of people and closes his eyes you gently touch lips and you guys kiss.

•you and Zach were broadcasting together on his account when you went to get a drink he told the chat to spam"look behind you"when you come back in the room, once you come and sit in front of Zach you see the comments and they say look behind you, when you turn your head you immediately find Zach kissing you and you were surprised and smiling like a fool you look up at Zach to see him laughing at you and blushing.

Nick- beach
•since Nick loves mermaids he told you that you guys are gonna go to the beach to see the mermaids. When you got there he set down a blanket and you leaned on his shoulder looking out at the sea, Nick gasped and said "I think I saw a mermaid she was beautiful " you laugh and say where, you look up and Nick says "I'm looking at her" he leans down and kisses you leading to a make out session😏( because he's ytg).

•since Timmy doesn't like to wait he kissed you on your first date, being cliche you guys were on top of the Ferris wheel and Timmy had his arm around you, you were about to give him a kiss on the cheek and then he turned giving you a long kiss.

Edwin-5quad tour
•he was performing on stage with the boys singing bomb chick and jumping around, when they ended the song they said "thank you Wisconsin, but before we leave can I have my baby girl y/n come on stage" the crowd went wild and you stepped on stage waving. You were confused and Edwin just smiled he took your hands and said "I really like you y/n" he then bent over (because he's as tall as a tree but not like tree tree like Jordan) and closed his eyes you closed your eyes and you guys kissed the crowd went ballistic.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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