A War Between Two

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«Zero's p.o.v»

I got finished making ramen noodles for everyone, "kaname, koji, austen! Food's ready!" Koji was the first to grab the noodles, then kaname, and lastly Austin.

"Ok guys, I'm gonna go take a quick shower, and soon as I get out, we're going to the store." They all nodded their heads.

~30 minutes later~

I got dressed and ran down stairs, kaname was ready waiting on the couch, "alright, I'm done we can go now." I said with a slight smile. "Ok, let's-" BOOM, "uhh kaname, what was that?" "Umm, while you were in the shower Koji and Austin got in a fight and well.... their outside." I looked at him with my eyes widened, "k-kaname Austin' an angel and Koji' a demon, do you know what could happen?!" His eyes widened. "What?" We both ran outside and saw Austin with his angelic wings and his white as snow sword, and Koji with his demonic wings and blood red sync, there was a huge hole on the ground, who knows how far down it is. "Koji! Austin! What are you two fighting about?!" They stop fighting and looked at me.

"Uh, zero we were fighting about .... who you liked more." Koji said, my eyes widened, "what?! You were fighting for who i liked more!" They nodded their heads "ugh, sometimes I don't get you two."

After that we walked to the store and bought more food, 'ugh, when can Koji and Austin get along? '

(The top is Austin)

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