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You are always
Ticking inside of me
And I dream of you
More often
Than I don't.



There's something equally exciting and equally terrifying about starting senior year.

It's the last year to change things and the last time to finally get it right. It's officially the last year to legally be a kid, and for me that's scary.

I mean I still only eat the marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal and color on the kid's menus at fancy Italian restaurants.

I close my eyes in thought as I chew the last artificial rainbow marshmallow in my bowl before sitting it in the sink.

I'm slipping on my cowboy boots as I hear Lucy pull into the driveway and from the sound of it, it's a Florida Georgia kind of morning.

I grab my bag and rush out of the house, my white sundress blowing slightly in the hot Texas air. I absentmindedly open the passenger side only to realize Jackson occupying it.

I hitch my bag a little higher onto my shoulders, ready for a verbal fight.

"What is he doing here?!"

Jackson just tips his cowboy hat and smiles cheekily.

I narrow my eyes. "Out. Get out. It wasn't enough you had to invaded my private life at work and now here!"

"Jenson, chill!" Lucy taps her hand to the beat of the music and gestures to my outfit. "You look smokin' hot by the way." She licks her finger and makes a sizzling sound. "Right, Jackson?"

I look down at my scuffed cowboy boots and cotton sundress and shrug. A little too southern country girl if you ask me, but that's tradition for you. Every year on the first day of school, seniors at Station East dress up in their "finest" boots and hats in honor of the first football game of the season.

I shrug and smooth down my shoulder length curly hair. I play with a loose hair-tie on my wrist itching to put my hair up, knowing that the Texas humidity will transform it into an even more unruly mess.

"Get out of my seat." I glare at Jackson.

"Nope." He pops the 'p' and lifts his feet on top of the dashboard.

"I'll make it easy for the both of you." Lucy turns down the radio. "You both can sit in the back." She smiles and turns the radio back up and belts out to the next country song.

I sit pressed up against the glass farthest from Jackson, practically becoming one with the car door.

During the agonizing fifteen minute ride to school Lucy chats about senior year and how Sweet Burger is going to be packed after football games. I faintly nod, trying to focus on keeping my sundress pulled down so I don't attract wandering eyes from the male next to me.

When we reach school I all but jump out of the car at the same time Jackson gracefully slides his tall frame out and stretches his limbs.

A few freshman girls spot him and slightly move closer.

"Thanks for the ride, Luce! See you after school." Jackson ruffles Lucy's hair and I push him away.

He joins his cowboy boot and cowboy hat clad friends as they make their way inside.

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