Chapter 4

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"What are you..." Caitlin began.

"Nothing, " Zayn said, cutting her off as he snapped the ring box shut and replaced it in his pocket.

"But I saw... I mean why do... what is... I just..."

Zayn stood up and interrupted her adorable stutters by crashing his lips to hers. Almost instantly, Caitlin relaxed in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Cheekily, Zayn pulled away and added, "Caitlin, you saw nothing okay?"

"I saw nothing," she assured him with a smile before pulling him back into a passionate kiss.

I looked away, attempting to give them privacy, but I could hear Zayn faintly mumble: "I love you."

*New Years Eve*  

Lexi's POV:

"10!" We all chanted loudly.

"9!" Excitement gathered in my stomach as we continued the countdown.

"8! 7! 6! 5!" We were all in perfect sync with the screams of people comming through the large TV in Liam's flat.

"4!" I felt Liam tighten his grip around my waist and pull me closer.

"3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Before I knew it, Liam's lips were on mine, and I could hardly contain the smile that was tugging at my mouth. The kiss was short, yet passionate, and I pulled away just in time to see Zayn pulling away from Caitlin and getting down on one knee as he held her hands tight in his.

"Caitlin, I am so madly in love with you, that I can't bare the thought of living without you. The 3 years we have been together have been... beyond extraordinary," he spoke loudly causing all of the couples to break apart. Now, all focus was on the handsome brunette, in the middle of the room, on one knee.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me, and you are the missing piece to my puzzle. Now that I have found you, I never want to let you go. Caitlin," his voice cracked as he reached into his pocket and puled out the box he had shown me a few days ago. He flipped open the lid, revealing the stunning ring before he continued, "will you make me the luckiest and happiest man on earth, and marry me?" Tears glistened in his eyes as the seemingly reserved male poured out his emotions in front of the entire room. I could tell he didn't care who knew his true feelings as long as he could share his life with the girl of his dreams.

A giant grin spread throughout Caitlin's features as she began to nod. "Yes, a thousand times yes," she replied.

Zayn immediately sprung from his kneeling position to embrace her in a tight hug as everyone else in the room erupted with applause.

Zayn pulled away to slide the ring onto Caitlin's left hand, and she stood in awe of the ring's beauty, gazing down at how it fit so perfectly on her finger. "Wow," her whisper was barely audible. "Your amazing," she stated as she flickered her gaze back to her fiancé.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughs and too many drinks. Most of the people ended up sleeping on Liam's floor, but Liam and I snuck out to the small patch of grass in front of the appartment complex. We cuddled on top of a warm blanket as we began drift into sleep, gazing at the magnificent stars.

"I love you Lexi," I heard Liam mumble.

"I love you Liam," I mutterd back.

"One day, that will be us. Getting engaged I mean. But until then, be my girlfriend?" His husky voice made me melt.

"Liam, I already am," I whispered knowing that what we had couldn't really be labeled properly, because Liam was more than just my boyfriend or guy I dated. He is the man who stole my heart, the man I am madly in love with.

"I suppose you are, but now we can somewhat explain our relationship status to people. Trust me though, I know that our relationship has no label. You are more to me than just a girlfriend, I hope you know that. You are the keeper of my heart," he said taking the words right out of my mouth.

"This is one of the many reasons why I love you, and Liam, you hold my heart as well."

______Author's Note_____ 

sorry it's such a short chpater, I had to write it on my phone:/ also I'm sorry for any typos or grammar and spelling errors:/ but I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please comment and vote! I should be able to post the next chapter on July 6 (sorry you all have to wait so long). Love you all! and please make suggestions! -AgAu52

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