Chapter 17

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Song: "Tightrope" by Walk the Moon

Lexi's POV:

Liam drank the last bit of alcohol in his cup before giving me a little puppy dog smile and pushing the empty glass in my direction. "Please?" he asked sweetly.

"What number was that?"

Liam began to count on his long fingers, intently staring at his hand as he tried to recall the number of alcoholic beverages he had consumed. "4…" he stated confidently with a nod of his head.

"Really? 4 drinks total, or 4 beers?" I questioned, clearly noticing his drunken state.

"Well I started with champagne, 2… or was it three?" he asked himself placing a finger to his chin. "Then, I moved to brandy and I only had one because it was so potent. Then," he put a lot of emphasis on the word. "I had 4 beers."

"I think you've had enough," I said with a giggle before Liam stuck out his bottom lip and began to pout. I ran my fingers through his hair and whispered, "I'll be right back."

I stood and walked over to Jessica to congratulate her for the second time and inform her of our departure. "It's been great fun, but I think Liam has one to many drinks." I giggled.

"Well, thank you so much for all of your help, and call me when your dress gets in I want to see it!" she replied.

"I definitely will Mrs. Kite! Enjoy your honeymoon!" I flashed her a smile knowing her and Sean would be headed to France for a 3 day adventure.

"I sure will." She waved goodbye one last time before turning back to chatting with her new mother-in-law.

I walked back to the table to see Liam, hunched over with one elbow propped on the table to keep his head from flopping over, talking to Sean's little nephew.

"I'm 8 Mr. Liam, of course I know what a T-rex is," Henry said rolling his eyes.

"Well not everyone knows what they are, they are all extinct… Poof. Gone. Into little dinosaur heaven," Liam spewed unaware of what he was saying.

"Alrighty," I interrupted their little conversation. "Liam is really tired so I think I'm going to go put him to bed, but he has enjoyed talking to you," I told Henry with a weak smile.

"Please Mrs. Lexi, I'm 8. He is drunk out of his mind. Make sure the poor bloke gets some aspirin and downs some water," Henry stated before turning and walking in the direction of Niall.

"Okay then," I thought aloud. I slung Liam's arm over my shoulder, and aided him in standing. Slowly, but surely we made it to the car.

Opening the door was somewhat of a hassle as I supported Liam, but I was successful. I drove down the London streets finding myself wondering about my wedding day, if we would have kids like Henry that were smart and carried a sass without even trying, and if our kids would have kids like that. After my mind snapped back to reality, I found I was sitting in a parking space by Liam's flat.

After turning off the ignition and walking around to his side of the car, I gave a sleeping Liam a little shove and whispered, "Come on Payno, we are home."

His eyes fluttered open and a smile spread across his face. "You are so beautiful, and perfect, and amazing," he mumbled sweetly.

"And you have definitely had too much to drink," I remarked starting to tug at his arms to help him out of the vehicle.

"No I'm serious Lex. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect girl." Even though I knew he was wasted, I felt an extreme amount of heat rise to my cheeks. After all of this time being with him, he still had that effect on me and deep down I knew he always would.

I don't know how, but I managed to get the wobbly, semi-unconscious boy onto his bed. The second his head hit the pillow, soft snores escaped his perfect lips as his chest began to rise and fall in a slow steady rhythm.

I tiptoed into the bathroom, and let the sink water run to heat up before splashing it to my flushed cheeks and scrubbing, for what felt like a half hour, the make up off my face. Most girls wear just as much make up as I did tonight on a regular basis, but it was too much for me; I like to stick with simple mascara and chapstick. I let my hair out of the braid and removed all of flowery pins before unzipping my dress and stepping out of my heels. I turned to go find an oversized shirt in Liam's closet, but instead I found Liam himself standing in the doorframe. My eyes drifted to the bare skin of his chest and judging by the small drip of water on his chin, I guessed he had found the large cup of water and 2 aspirin pills on his nightstand.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, staring deeply into the less glassy eyes of the beautiful man before me.

"Better," he replied.

"What time is it?" I asked softly, wondering how long it had taken to untangle my hair from the various pins and remove the heaping of make up.

"Around 1:45," he said, his voice growing more husky and deep as nightfall crept closer to the early hours of morning.

"Wow, I'm sorry I've been in here for nearly 2 hours!"

"No worries love," he assured me before coming over to wrap me in a tight hug. His warmth radiated off his bare skin and I easily could have fallen asleep against his muscular chest. "When did we get home?"

"Well, we left the reception about 11:20, so probably around 12:00."

"Wow, I'm sorry I must have been really bad," he whispered. He placed his long finger under my chin, and tilted my head so I was looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry Lexi, I was just having loads of fun and got caught up in the moment. I know I'm still tipsy… I can feel it… but I am a more conscious of what is going on and I apologize for being a total idiot and getting that drunk," he whispered with the scent of alcohol rolling off his lips.

"Liam, don't feel bad. It was your friend's wedding, and you had every right to have fun. Just don’t do this on our night, yeah?"

"You are perfect," he calmly stated before putting his plump and soft lips to mine. "I love you forever," he mumbled against my lips, with his nose pressed against mine.

"I love you always," I whispered back before flinging my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. His body was so close to mine that we probably couldn't fit a sheet of paper between us. The kiss was heated yet passionate as he projected his love from his lips to mine with the aroma of liquor. I grabbed a handful his gorgeous locks and couldn’t help but tug at the soft, smooth, and thick hair that laid on the back of his head. He hadn't cut the unruly, curly mess in a while, but I found it very attractive; especially when he styled his hair into a quiff that went all the way to the back of his head, like a mini mohawk.

As we held each other, Liam began to lean a little to far into the kiss and lost his balance having to grip the countertop to keep himself from toppling onto me. "Woah there Li, lets get you back to bed."

Liam clambered into the left side of the warm bed while I slid under the covers right next to him. I immediately felt a strong arm wrap around my front and pull me against the warm, bare chest of my fiancé.

"Goodnight my love," I heard Liam whisper as I slipped into unconsciousness.

________Author's Note________

Sorry its been a while since I've updated. I have a lot of homework every day:/ Anyway, thank you so much for sticking with the story and reading this! It literally makes my day to see the wonderful comments I get, and to see the number of votes and reads I have! Love you all so much -AgAu52

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