Chapter Four

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Did you miss me?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *wriggles eyebrows*


I dogded one more hit from Zane before sudden shocks of pain stinged my head, vibrating my being.Unsteadily, my hand trembled;ungrasping my sword.It fell with a clank, progressively agrivating my headache.
Pressing my palms to my forehead, I collapsed to my knees.
Zane's sword was thrust to my neck, but recollection was far from me.
Drowning out Zane's words, sounds of static pounded in my head.I heard a maniacle cackle from Zane as the sword pressed further into my flesh.
Suddenly, through the static, I heard a faint voice cry,"You need to be strong"
Adrenelin surged through my body just before the world faded into darkness.


As I flashed back into reality, I heard a voice call to me.It was a strange voice, one that I recalled but couldn't decipher.All I knew, though, was it belonged to someone close to me.
At first, I figured, maybe it was Aphmau and I'd somehow escaped the portal, but I knew the irrationality of believing such an ending.Especially with the situation at hand.
Suddenly, the voice stopped, instead I heard footsteps.It also had occured to me I was sitting on a grass bed, I predicted it was a small patch in a field.
As the steps grew, I glanced over to see who was coming.
My eyes widened.
It was Laurence.Jolting to a stop, he halted;my eyes landed on him.
"G-Garroth?"he asked, shoulders easing,"W-why are you here?"
"Laurence..."I trailed off, was this the real;was this truly him?
"Gau...-Gaurroth,"recollection came back to him as suddenly grew frantic,"Yo-you shouldn't be here.Why are you here?How did you get here?"
"Laurence, calm down, what's wrong?"Garroth asked.
" shouldn't have come here.."he said, giving me one last grimm look before his chest gleamed with purple, a dark aura swirling around him;consuming him.
"Laurence!"I yelled.
I gripped the grass, which strangely felt rougher.
Suddenly, the facade unraveled.
My eyes widened at the sight, it wasn't the Nether.
It was much worse.


A/N:nngggaaahhhhhh*barbaric Undyne yells*pssst Undyne is a royal fish guard btw XD anyway, omf this chapter SUCKS I had a really long writers block and this is all I could come up with o(;^-^)o" hehe well anyway I hoped you enjoyed~


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