Chapter Ten - Promises and Apologies

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Chapter Ten - Promises and Apologies

The next day was a Saturday. Hermione chose to ignore Harry, Ron and Draco, and hung out with Ginny and Raine most of the next day.

"Did I not say Malfoy was bad news?" Raine said after Hermione had confided in them. "And you go and befriend him! Do you understand me, now, Hermione?"

Hermione shrugged.

"Do you want me to talk to Harry for you?" Ginny asked shyly. "I can give him hell if you want."

"No, no, don't, Ginny." said Hermione. "I'm a big girl," she forced a smile. "I can take care of myself. I don't need my friends to defend me."

"Well, I'm going to give Malfoy a piece of my mind!" Raine said, forcefully.

"No, don't." Hermione instructed.

"I was going to anyway, Hermione, last night's events just makes me more determined." Raine admitted, storming away down the halls.

"She doesn't like him very much, does she?" Hermione asked.

"No." Ginny told her.

As they arrived in the Great Hall, they saw Raine mouthing off to Draco at the Slytherin table. Goyle was feebly attempting to help Draco out, but one death glare from Raine shut him right up. Draco looked across the Hall at Hermione, who quickly dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Malfoy's coming this way." Ginny warned in an undertone as she and Hermione sat down. "Don't worry though. We'll beat him in Quidditch tomorrow."

"Oh right." Hermione said, remembering the first match was coming up. "I'll be there to support you and Raine." Though Hermione said it calmly, her stomach clenched at being there because she knew she'd see Draco, Ron and Harry.

"Hermione?"  a soft voice asked from behind her.


Hermione ignored him, continuing to eat her breakfast.


"Leave, Malfoy, she doesn't want to talk to you." Ginny said as Raine sat down next to her, glaring at Draco in an I'm-not-done-with-you sort of way.

"I can dock points from you, Weasley-"

"Do you think we really give a crap?" Raine demanded. "Leave Hermione alone."

Giving up, Draco sighed and walked back to the Slytherin table. He sat down in between Pansy and Blaise, across from Goyle.

"That boy, seriously..." Raine was grumbling.

"If you don't mind me asking," Hermione said softly, looking over at Raine. "Why do you hate him?"

Raine stiffened. She took a bite of her breakfast, as if she was ignoring the question. Hermione was about to apologize for asking, when Raine muttered. "Lucius Malfoy killed my brother."

Hermione gasped.

"Oh my God," she put her hand to her heart. "That's awful! No wonder you hate him..."

Hermione wasn't in the mood to tell anyone that just because Lucius did something, didn't mean Draco would do something like that. They were two very different people.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence, and before they knew it, it was time for Potions. Sadly, Hermione would be stuck in the same room with Draco, Harry and Ron. Luckily, the potion they were brewing was independant, and it was quite easy to ignore all three of them (though she did see Harry grab a hold of Ginny in the middle of class and he whispered something in her ear. If it was a message, she didn't pass it on.)

As they were exiting, Raine took Hermione's arm and brought her to one side of the hallway. For a person as small as she was, she had a tight grip.

"Raine, let me go." Hermione hissed.

"Sorry, can't do that." Raine answered simply. "I promised Ginny."

As if on cue, Ginny walked up to them.

"Tell her to let me go!" Hermione huffed angrily.

"Sorry, can't do that." Ginny said, unknowingly echoing Raine. "I promised Harry."

"What? No, I'm not talking to them! I don't want to-"

"Relax, Hermione. They just want to show you something." Ginny expalined.

"They?" Hermione repeated.

Ginny shushed her, muttering something that sounded like, "Any minute now."

Struggling against Raine, Hermione waited. The hallway was slowly starting to empty out. Twice, Hermione pointed out they would be late. Both girls ignored her. The last people out of the class were Draco, Ron and Harry.

They talked in between themselves for a few moments before Draco went to one side of the hall and Ron and Harry went to the other.

"What the hell is-"


Draco pointed his wand over Ron and Harry's heads, though he was so far away it didn't make much sense, what he was doing. Suddenly, green sparks immerged from the tip. They spelled out the word 'We're' in the air.



"Okay, okay..."

Then Harry did the same, except his sparks were a mix of red and gold, and spelled out 'so'. Just 'so'. Ron copied him with his own red and gold sparks, that spelled out 'sorry'.

We're so sorry.

Hermione was going to open her mouth to answer to that, when Draco did something, as if on sudden inspiration. He pulled out his wand again and with a mix of green, red and gold sparks spelled out 'Hermione' in the nicest handwriting  she'd ever seen.

We're so sorry, Hermione.

Hermione was speechless for quite a few moments. They had talked to each other about this, worked together, possibly became friends, just to please her.

"You're forgiven." she whispered softly. "Damn, I can't believe I gave in again..."

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