Night of the Party

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Hello I'm new at this so yeah sorry if it not good...

Kevin's pov

I was playing beer pong and i was against nat... i knew i was going to win but he was totally starting to get into it.
After a couple of minutes i start to feel my buzz and there was when it went down hill... i looked over and saw few people starting to watching. Then i notice double dee watching us and at first didn't care because of ed and edd but i notice double dee was really watching..
After that i could feel my face turning red.. I couldn't think straight after that i was thinking how cute...

"What can handle playing anymore? Looks like your not even trying..." Nat with a sad face

"whatever... you're going down!"

"You really think so" nat smiling

"Just you wait! It will be done soon enough!"

But shortly i lost....

Nat and i started to talk after heading outside for a smoke

Nat laughing "yay! I won! But are you alright? I notice l something was wrong?"

My first thought was could i tell him i know he is like my best friend but that fact i thought of double dweeb was cute.

... i couldn't tell him ...

Nat "if you don't want to tell me it's fine could tell your pretty buzzed man. Beside we should head back inside."

My face still red and i look over...

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the bathroom... then afterwords i should head out".

Nat laughing again "what its not that late, come man its barely midnight."

"Yeah yeah. I know but man my head is already spinning we started early you know"

Nat looked at me "we! no, you started with out me not even helping me get the party ready.. remember?"

I laughed

Nazz came out said " hey guys im heading out early, alright?"

Her boyfriend was going to get her from the party since she wanted to hang out and also leave befor it got to late. He was going to be heading back tomorrow to college and he wanted her to spend the night at the hotel.

Nat with a saddest face ever...
"Now your going to leave too?"

I looked at naz with a sad face too
"Yeah but could you guys wait and give me a ride home? I'm pretty buzz.. i know if i walk home I'll be passed out some where" was lying but also trying to leave before nat makes me stay longer...

"What i thought you wanted to go to the bathroom? Might puke in the car" nat with the bad joke..

Naz "yeah sure, I'll let kyle know so we will be waiting"

"Thanks naz, I'll be right back"

Nat just sat there talking to naz for a bit till kyle got there

Not to long a came back out said good night to nat and him looking all sad like the party was stopped... but hey man i stayed any longer i would have said something about doulbe dweeb... and naz wanted to be with her "man" before he left...

Nat "fine, I'll see you guys Monday"

After that i got home and crashed right on the couch

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