thinking of the party

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Edd pov

Last night was fun but i didn't really think going was at all appropriate. i mean i only decide because eddy wanted to check out the "hot babes"... but ed also wanted to just for fun... Nat invited me and said i could bring them but i just didn't feel the need of drinking...

... while cleaning the my room a bit ...
... Thinking when we got there...

Before we walked away to check the kitchen and i looked over to check on eddy. He was already gone after that seeing him try to join in on beer pong...

I wondered and still don't see how many people enjoy this kind of behavior. Then i bumped into..

Nazz "double d, when did you get here? Come let go check out what there doing out back? I hear there is killer music. Wanna go dance for a bit? There isn't much fun with out sarah. Jimmy walked her home earlier because she wasn't feeling to well"

"I'm find, thank you though nazz. I want to watch eddy try and play beer pong. If that is if he was any better then last time" laughing and know he would lose yet again. "Beside it's pretty cold outside so I'm going to stay in here plus I'm no good with dancing..."

Nat biggest smile ever come over "yeah! double cutie is going to watch me play too, right?"

"Alright, double D catch you later then" nazz walks away head out of the kitchen. After that nathan "what would you like to drink?" pop's open the coolers and see nothing but beer and pop....

"Would it be okay if you have juice or i could have cup of water"

"Alright, but i got grape juice in the cobern and more ice in the freezer"
After that go into watching eddy fail horribly playing but i couldn't help but enjoy him trying. Thinking i would have quit after a couple of tries... after that i was mostly just watch everyone play
Till i got excited when kevin challenge nathan...

Than things started to get interesting even though kevin was drink i always admit that he looked rather cute just being himself no matter what... of course no one knows i have a crash but i couldn't help it. If anyone knew i had these feeling i feel i would be picked on more then normally for being gay or bisexual.

Nathan though is on the football team and he doesn't care if no one likes it but he pointed out that he has a boyfriend and already got along with everyone after a couple of months. Along with kevin and nazz help. They really enjoyed him around and stood up for him.

He barely been here for two years, now him and i slowly became friend recently. So he couldn't help... but want to ask him for advice but i don't want him to tell kevin... then kevin would make fun of me... plus if ed and eddy found i... i told nathan rather then them... they would really hate me..

After the game, ed wanted me to go and see what's going on outside...
"Come on double d, i know you might enjoy it" with a pouty face

"Alright, ed just let me get my jacket but after this im heading home it's getting late so ill walk you and eddy home"

"Yay" and before i know it ed hugged me and we went to check outside.. wasn't to fun and eddy came back saying he didn't feel to good so...

"Sorry to inform you Nathan but we are heading out" letting him know

Nathan " everyone is slowly leaving now.. even kevin and nazz..."

I couldn't help but notice and also thought that's why he was a bit sad earlier...

"Nathan it was fun and sorry but we better make sure eddy doesn't crash somewhere and be left unattended and eddys' car will be in front tell he come back's to get them some time tomorrow and my apologies"

After that nathan smiled and said "alright, later double cutie and be safe"

Not realising ed picked up eddy and just walked around the house with out me so i grabbed eddys coat and eddys keys then we was off...

I was tired also glad i made sure my friends was home safe. Good thing we wasn't that far from Nathan's house just a couple blocks down and ed was with no problem carrying eddy most of the way haha


Hope this is to you're liking...

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