561 30 13

Oh yay! It's my free hour. And I don't know what to do... I can't go back to Mrs. C- now Mr. Malik's - room. I don't have anything to do. I have no friends, so I can't go to lunch without being humiliated in front of the whole school instead of just some bystanders. I can't go to lunch because there is never an empty table... Ever. I can't go outside because half of Marcus's followers always go out there and play football. They'd probably find a way to almost kill me with the football... Even though they have a smaller brain then a T-Rex... I guess I'll... I don't know what I'll do. I can't just stand at my locker for my whole free hour... Can I?

I shut my locker, paper bag in hand, and I walk towards the bathroom. The one no one ever uses... I don't know why, but no one does. I push open the door with my foot because for some reason I don't want to use my hands and I did it like a ninja... Don't judge me, I can have fun when I'm not around Marcus and such.

I walk over to one of the walls, slide my back down the wall and sigh. I'm eating my lunch in a bathroom no one uses.. I have no life..

You never had a life.

I know... Just leave me alone.. Please, for once.

Naw... I think I'll stay.

Well don't tell me anything I don't already know. Like how I'm pathetic, worthless, no one wants me, I'm lucky I still have my parents that "like" me, that my sisters think I'm a freak, that everyone at school thinks I'm a freak and have a disease. Don't tell me anything I don't already know.

Oh... Well... Since you said that... 

I let out another sigh while searching though my bag... I'm not even hungry anymore. Stupid sandwich doesn't look appetising, I don't want whatever kind of fruit/vegetable my mom made me pack, I definitely don't want one of the cookies that Lottie made... But I guess I can drink some water.. 

I get up and throw the food into the trash can when the door creeks open...  I look over and it's Harry. His hair is pushed back out of his face and he's wearing sunglasses that cover his beautiful eyes. LOUIS! Stop! Stop admiring his perfection... You're doing it again, and stop talking to yourself. 

"Hey Lou," Oh. My. God. He's talking to me... He's actually talking to me... Okay Louis just calm down and reply so you just don't look like an idiot staring at him.

"Hi" Is all I can squeak out. I know I shouldn't like him, but I can't help it... He didn't mean it, I know it...  Though I am still a little scared of him... He's scary when he's mad...

"Lou, I know we left off on a bad foot and I'm really, really sorry. You don't know how many times I gone back in my head and redone things, seeing how I could've made things right. I've beaten myself up so many times because of what I did to you. I didn't mean it.." He started chocking on his words like he was going to cry... Harry never cries... "I never meant to... I never meant to hurt you... I-I.. I'm s-sorry.." He was full on crying now and it really killed me... Even though he did all those things to me... I still love him..

I take him in my arms and he cries into my shoulder. And him being way taller than me it's kind of awkward, but I ignore that fact and keep rubbing his back as he starts to calm down.


"Yes Harry?"

"What are you doing eating your lunch in the bathroom?" He pulls away from my embrace to look me in the eye, his sunglasses now on the top of his head.

"Because..." I look at the ground. "Everyone hates me. Even you do and don't say you don't I know you do."

 "Boo, you know that isn't true."

"It is true. And don't call me Boo."

"Lou, can you please give me another chance? Please."

I look up and see Harry's green eyes staring into my blue ones, pleading me to say yes. My mind says no, but my heart thinks other wise. 

"No. I'm sorry Harry." I say rushing out of the bathroom. Harry doesn't like to be rejected...

I hear the bathroom door swing open and slam the wall next to it. He's pissed. I take a deep breath and hurry anywhere but towards Harry.

"LOU! Get back here." God, he's closer than I thought... "LOUIS." He's getting even closer. 

"Shit!" I mumble to myself as I trip over my own two feet and fall face down on the floor. I try to catch myself with my hands and end up hurting them both. I bet I sprained them.. 

I trail off in thought as I'm being pulled up by the back of my shirt. "Why didn't you listen to me? You know what happens when you don't listen. Right?" I nod and close my eyes, wincing away waiting for him to hit me.

"What is going on here?" A voice that I vaguely recognise says and then I'm dropped to the ground, scrambling to get up.

"Nothing Mr. Malik." Harry says looking back at me giving me a glare as for me to say yes or something. I nod as to agree with Harry.

"It didn't look like nothing. Now Mr. Styles is it?" He looks at Harry and Harry nods, then at me. "You'll be coming down with me to the principals office and Mr. Tomlinson head up to my room. I wish to speak to you." 

I take in a deep breath and squeak out an 'Okay' before heading down to his room. What did he want to talk about? And why did he want to talk to me?

A little bit of drama going on... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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