Unforgivable Mistakes

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This will be updated soon, ok? This is just part of the actual chapter 
A few minutes later, far from Resembool...

The owner of those malicious eyes from the graveyard went scurrying through the streets of Central, careful to not be seen. The watchful eye, however, might have seen bits of green hair as this abnormal being passed.
After some time- too little time in transportation for this to be a regular being- the green-haired mutation reached a dark haven for him and his siblings. Seeing his red-eyed superior before him, he stated:
"Yup, they're witches. And they know their shit."
"Oh, really? That's great. Truly wonderful that you did this, Dra-"
"Yes, yes- envy. Any other noteworthy tidbits?"
"The mudblood, at the very least- it's implied that she knows what will happen in the future. She's helping the midget Father was against."
After pondering this for a while, the snake-like being nodded.
"Very well. You are dismissed."
"Nah, I'm not done here yet. You see, I want facts. Cold, hard, facts. We all know Father didn't just combust, we aren't idiots. What did you do?"
"... Impulsive, are we? You may have your answer, and I only spare you as I will need you later on. I see my coming to this universe as a gift to it. I was more fit for the role your so-called Father pursued, which is why I am here now. I only finished the first step to my job here- I spared him the humiliation of being bested."
And although Envy wasn't keen of emotions, he felt them anyways- a sinking feeling in his stomach that Dracula here would be worse than Father.
"Alright. Later, Snake- AAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" The homunculus writhed in pain as the pale figure casted an unforgivable curse.
"I go by Voldemort, mind you. My followers call me the Dark Lord. "
The green-haired being then felt a searing pain on the inside of his right arm before he blacked out.

Meanwhile, our protagonist (y/n) walks back from the graveyard, clutching a picture of the Elrics in her hand. She was satisfied, although she felt slightly on edge, too. But to her it didn't mean much; it had happened a lot during her last year in Hogwarts, in her insomniac days. However, she should've heeded to her gut instinct. Life would soon be getting much more complicated, and while (y/n) thought she was prepared,

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