Day One- Part One

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Jenni's POV

"Wake up Jenni! You will be late!" My step-mom, Hollie yelled at me. She is so rude. "Get up or else!!"

At that comment I was off my ass and running to the bathroom to take a shower. I quickly washed up with my almond shampoo and conditioner. My face wash was missing so I skipped that part. My body wash is a fruit mixture. Almost mango and coconut. I grabbed my fluffy black towel and wrapped my hair up. My bathrobe was in my room so I took another towel and wrapped it around me. When I walked out of the bathroom, Hollie was standing there with a pisses off look on her face.

"Why are you just standing there? Get your ass moving!" Hollie is pissed. She had a wooden spoon in her hand that looked like it was in hot water a second ago and I noticed the lighter she burns her cigars with. Maybe she was cooking. I ran to my room without saying a word. I grabbed a black t-shirt and my plum purple skinny jeans. I bloused my shirt and put my plum jacket on. I never go anywhere without a sweater or jacket. My flute is on the kitchen table in the plum case. (I have inter-changeable cases for the flute) I make sure the liquid foundation is closed and my secret stuff is put away.

I go downstairs and grab my flute and bag and rush out the door with my keystone the black Jeep Wrangler I have. On the way to school I listen to my favorite song, Nobody's Hero.

(A/N: that is actually my favorite song)

As soon as I arrive I am greeted by my bully. Andrew Drewson. He had his pack of people surrounding him. Billy Dock. John Kinton. Joey Kinton. I try to escape to the other door but the rest of them are at the other side. Ken Depp. Derick Hall. James McDoniel. I try to run out the back but Andrew stops me.

"Trying to run are you? Not very successful." Andrew hastily spat in my face.
Breathe. Don't look like you are nervous. Don't look like you are scared.

"Am I scaring you? Oh. Honey please don't be scared of me. I say mean things, you don't tell anyone. Life is good for both of us." Andrew looked at Joey, his right hand man, as if he was giving home a cue.

"Not anymore. We are telling the principal that you are bullying us and we will put and end to you." Balling a fist Joey spat. "Now we all hate you. So let's make this easy. You tell anyone we touched you, we tell the principal it was self defense."

Joey punched my stomach and made me dizzy. I fell back into my seat and grabbed my flute case. Joey aimed for my face but my flute blocked him. I saw my best friend McKayla drive in and shouted our code word. "Major!" The next thing I knew was that I was in her arms safe from the assholes.

"Let's get you to the nurse. She will know what to say." McKayla whispered in my ear. I have been friends with McKayla since kindergarten. We have had the same elementary teachers since.

Once we got to nurses office, I grabbed an ice pack. I told the nurse that I hit a desk. She could see through the lie and just let the topic go. I walked out of her office and was greeted by Andrew. He didn't have his goons within sight so I freaked out a little. I was quiet and was cowering.

"You scared Nerd?" Andrew spat in my face. "I'm talking to you Nerd. Respond."

"Y-y-yes" Crap. I stuttered.

"Good. You should be. This isn't over."


"F^ck!! The bell rang. This is defiantly not over nerd."

As I hurriedly ran to the stairwell to get to class I bumped into someone. I had my head down, so I slightly lifted my head. A muscular torso stood in front of me. A pale gray polo shirt. Black jeans. Black high tops.

"Sorry." I whispered in a hushed voice.

"My name is Leslie. What's yours?"
Leslie spoke smoothly. Smoother than butter.

"J-Jenni Rae" I nearly choked out. I totally suck at talking to boys.

"Did you say Jenni Rae?" Leslie whispered. My only response was a slight head nod. I suck. Final conclusion: I suck at talking to people. "Nice to meet you! Better get to class!" and he was off.

Once I got to my first class, I took out my sketchbook and started to sketch what I saw a few minuets ago.

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