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Bella pov
I wake up to my phone ringing. I see the caller ID

Australian Cutie freak

I need the change that name but I'm to lazy to. I awnser it. But it wasnt. Jordan
It was Ben

BellA- Ben what happen

Ben- um Jordan is coming to get you back

Bella- isn't he dating kitty

Ben- he broke up with her Cuz. He still loves you

Bella- but I'm dating someone else

Ben- he doesn't care

Bella- thanks Ben

Ben- no problem

I get out of bed and text Abby. She's in a sad place
She called off the engagement with Mitch because Mitch likes Ian.
She wanted Mitch to be happy . I guess I'm off the find her a new boyfriend. I was walking around town when I was picked up. I noticed that tally tattoo. It was Ashton. He is Calfornia to record Sounds good feels good. It does get kinda sad cause he's mostly away on touring. But a least he here. We were walking around town taking pictures with fans . then my phone rings

Bella - hello

Abby - where are you

Bella- downtown with Ashton

Abby- isn't he on tour

Bella- he back cause he's recording for the 2nd album

Abby- how did you even meet Ashton again cause you had like a huge crush on him

Bella- I went to hang out with Alex and Shannon to the 5sos concert and then a week later I bumped in to a really cute guy

Abby- sooo I'm single

Bella- any guys

Abby- not at the moment

Ashton- ummm can I spend a day with my girlfriend before I have to go on tour

Abby- fineeee.

Bella- bye kitty

As me and Ashton were walking papparzzi came and took pictures and asking us questions but then they wanted into our personal lifes

(Btw I hate what the papparzzi did to Ashton and his family while he was on vacation) back to the story

Ashton- can yall please leave

papparzzi- ash its our job

Ashton- you can take pictures of me when I'm with the band but not when I'm spending time with my girlfriend

papparzzi- aww its Bella

Bella- leave us alone

papparzzi- Bella how was the breakup with Jordan

Me and Ashton ran away. We head into the mall not the best decision but it was worth a shot. We were walking and I head straight to hot topic (that's my home ) Ashton follows me. We head inside and I go to the band shirts and I see 5sos shirt. I grab it and try to hide it so Ashton doesn't know im buying his own merchandise. I see him looking at the green day shirts. He grabs one and he sees me

Ashton - what do you have

Bella- a shirt

Ashton - what band

Bella- how do you know it's a band

Ashton - cause I know you

Bella - fine it's a band

Ashton - which band

Bella - im not telling you

Ashton - describe the band and I'll guess

Bella- they are from the same country that I'm from . They are all cute but 1 of them he's kinda hot

Ashton- Awww you have 1 of my shirts

Bella - how do you know

Ashton- well you're from Australia and my band is from Australia and you kinda quote Shes kinda hot by using he's kinda hot

Bella - im not weird?

Ashton - you're cute cause your supporting your boyfriends band

After we buy more shorts and some bracelets and more merch. We head to my house . We dived our stuff so whos is who's . He heads to the front door we hug and kiss and he heads to the band's house they have in California,

That Should Be Me  /sequel to Away With Me/ Jordan SweetoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz