Trouble In Paradise

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A/N this chapter is REALLY REALLY LONG SORRY ABOUT THAT and it has language no one underaged should read but I cant stop you so enjoy leave a comment so I know if I did something wrong bubbyee.

Ash's POV

I woke up pretty early the next morning. I don't know why I did but it felt like something bad was going to happen today. I shrugged it off, and carefully freed myself from Noah's grasp so I wouldn't wake him. When I got up I looked at the time and it was 6:00 in the morning. I know I wouldn't be going back to sleep so I got dressed and went to the bathroom to brush my fur and teeth. After I finished I ran downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone. I didn't want it to be boring so I used my powers to make it interesting. I put on a kiss the cook apron and made some pancakes eggs and bacon. When I finished making the pancakes and bacon I started on the eggs. I grabbed five eggs since I was cooking for three and cracked them in a skillet. I was almost done with the eggs when I got hugged from behind. I knew who it was so I turned to see Noah and gave him a kiss and I said good morning sleepyhead. "Good morning sexy" he said while rocking me slowly back and forth. I would really love for you to let me finish breakfast i said while giggling. "Fine but remember you still owe me" he said. Yeah yeah i'm the one who can remember things. "Hey you can't blame me for forgetting you know I have a horrible memory". Yes I know my little wolfy doesnt have a good memory. Now I want you to go get ready while I finish making breakfast. "Yes sir" he said while winking at me. As I finished the eggs my mom and Noah came downstairs smiling at each other that scared me so I asked what are you two smiling about? "Nothing sweetie I was just asking Noah if he enjoyed your lesson". I could tell she was lying because she stuttered over her words. I couldn't get it out of them so I just fixed all of us a plate, and my mom a cup of coffee.

Noah's POV

When I went back upsairs to get ready I passed Mrs. H in the hall and asked her if she would talk with me for a few minutes. "Sure but can we speed it up I need to make breakfast for everyone". I don't think you have to Ash is already cooking for us. "Ok. What did you want to talk about"? I wanted to ask you for your blessing to marry your son. "Oh my gosh where the ring? How are you planning on doing it and when"? Uhh I wasn't going to propose to him until the end of the school year just to see if our relationship would last that long or not. "Oh well do you atleast have the ring"? She asked curiously. Yes ma'am I do. "Can I see what it looks like"? I go to our room and grab the ring from my stuff and bring it back so she could see it. I told her it was the ring my grandmother gave me before she passed away. When she opened the box she looked at it and said "he will love this" almost crying. I really want to do it now but we've only been dating for three days that's moving way to quick. "Well do it when you think the time is right and we can talk more about it later now go get ready" she said sternly. Yes ma'am. I ran in our room and threw on some black pants a black and red shirt and shoes with a black beanie. After getting dressed I ran to the bathroom and brushed my fur and teeth. When I finished I waited patiently for Mrs. H so we could walk down the stairs together. Eight minutes had passed when she came out of her room wearing what she would normally wear. "Why are you still up here you should have been downstairs already eating breakfast"? she asked. I was waiting for you so I could ask you another question. "Oh well what is it"? Where's Mr. Henderson. I asked curiously. "Well it's a long story and we don't have the time right now". I look at her and asked if she would give me some ideas of how I should propose to Ash. "You could walk up to him and say you dont want to be his boyfriend anymore. Then you wait until he start to cry then ask him". When she said that I couldn't do anything but laugh all the way downstairs.

Mrs. H POV

When we got to the kitchen Ash asked us "why are you two smiling" and I had to think of something quick and I did. I didn't get away with it though beacuse I was stuttering. I was just asking Noah how your lesson was last night. I could tell he knew I was lying so I said we should probably eat so you guys don't be late for school. After we finished eating it was 7:15 so we just talked for a few more minutes until we heard a knock at the door. "I got it" Ash said running to the door.

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