Fun Day

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Noah's POV

When Ash and I got home it was only 10:30am and we forgot that we had to tell his mom what happened. "H..hey mom" Ash said. "Hello boys what are you doing home so early" she asked. Well we kind if got suspended for a week. "What for" she asked with anger in her voice. Let me explain what happened to me then Ash will explain what happened to him. "Alright but you two better hope it helps". Ok so it started off on the first day of school James the bull school bully put a picture of me and Ash kissing in everyones locker and thats how it started. "We chose to ignore it the first day and if anybody messed with us then we'd do something" Ash said. Nothing happened to us the rest of that day but today was a different story. We have different classes first period. I got to art class before the bell rang and started our assignment. We had to draw a picture of something or someone that makes us happy so naturally I started to draw a picture of Ash. "Aww that's sweet babe" Ash said then kissed my cheek. So I was almost finished when a rat came up to me and dropped paint on my picture and started calling me faggot. I dont know what came over me but I threw paint in his face then knocked him out. I got sent to the principal's office and we had a very interesting conversation about what happened to Ash. "Ok Noah I know you knew better and I forgive you" Mrs. H said. "Now let's hear what happened to you Ash" she said. "Yes ma'am" he replyed.

Ash's POV

Well when I got to band I was fine until Mr. Butler left the bandroom to go to the bathroom. After he left a tiger punched me in the face. "What. What's his name I'll make sure he.." calm down sweetie im fine now thats all that matters. Anyway I used my powers and threw him across the bandroom into the tuba's. He got back up and started to beat me and I blackedout and woke up in a hospital room. "Ok ok your both off the hook but just dont let it happen again" she said calmly. When she got up off the couch she said she would be going out and she wouldnt be back until thursday morning. "Have fun boys but not too much fun" she said winking at us on her way out the door. See you thursday. When I closed the door I turned to Noah who was waiting on the couch watching CSI. "I think I know why she loves this show so much". So what do you want to do besides watch tv? "Well there are a few things I have planned out" he said smirking at me. Uh oh that smile only means trouble I said backing away from him slowly. "Calm down its nothing that will get us in more trouble". Im gonna go get a few things from upstairs and in the kitchen, you just stay right here facing the tv until I tell you to follow me". He was talking to me like I was a dog so I barked at him and sat down. "Good boy now I'll be right back" he said. Alright hurry up though i'm bored sitting here doing nothing. "Okay give me 25 minutes".

Noah POV

I had to make sure Ash wasnt looking while I got stuff ready for a picnic at the beach. This is going to be perfect because its a carnival right next to the beach so double the fun. I got our swimsuits and an extra pair of clothes for the both of us and put the in a bag. Then I went to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks and drinks and put those in a basket. I made sure I had everything and put it in the trunk of our car so he wouldnt see anything. I walked back in the living room and told Ash to come on outside. After he made sure the house was locked he looked at me. "So where are we going it better not be anyplace dumb" he said laughing. That's for me to know and you to find out. "Right whatever you say hon". When Ash got into the car I didn't want to waste any time we had so I started our drive to the beach. When we got there it was 1:00 in the afternoon. His face lit up and he looked at me when I screamed surprise. "What are we doing here I mean we dont even have our swimsuits" he asked happily. That's where you are wrong let's go I screamed. We hopped out of the car and Ash took off toward the beach leaving me to get everything. I grabbed our trunks and the basket the food was in and chased after him. Wow you must really like the beach I teased. "Well I don't exactly know why but I just love the water". Well lets go get changed and have some fun I said looking at my little fox.

Ash's POV

I really didn't know Noah had something like this planned out. What surprises me the most was he knew I love swimming. "Come on i'll race you to the water" he said as energetic as I was acting. Hey you can't say that after you start running I screamed running after him. When we hopped in the water Noah screamed "I win now whats my prize". I wanted to tease him so I said something I knew would turn him on. Your prize is about two feet down and five feet infront of you under an arch. "Okay I think I know what your saying" he said blushing like crazy. You know what James did actually helped us. "In what way now the whole school knows about us". Exactly now we can act like a couple in public. "True but what will people think of us how would they treat us" he acked concerned. Like I said before screw what other people think God created us like this and still loves all his creations no matter how they act or their sexuality. "Okay and it's not are problem if they want to be a little bitch about it let them". Yes sir you are correct about that. "Come on lets go get a snack and go I have some more places to take my foxy". When he said that my heart was on full blast pumping at my chest. I was lying on my huskey like a pillow while he was feeding me grapes. People were looking at us as the walked by a few were happy looks and others were dirty. I was just enjoying myself until I heard "hey guys how's it going". It was Sam holding a bag with I would suppose is a bikini. Hey what do you have in the bag? I asked her curious to know. "A sky blue bikini with mint green polkadots and an extra pair of clothes" she said. "So do you want to hang with us" Noah asked expecting a yes. "Sure and you two can tell me why you wern't in 4th period today". Oh that's an intresting story we.. was all I could say before I was cut off by Subrina Kimmy and Joel who came out if nowhere. "Why wern't you two at lunch today" they all screamed simultaneously. Well we would love to explain it too all of you but first go change because I know you all brought something to wear. "How do you know that we brought something". I can read your minds no go change. I know I shouldn't but sometimes it just happens. When everyone came back we introduced Sam to everyone else and we accepted her into our group. "Alright were all done now tell us what happened". Okay we will but you may want to sit down for it first though. Here's what happened to us today.

A/N I didn't want to explain what happened again so its not going to be in the chapter or the beginning of the next chapter and the is going to be two parts i didnt want to overdue this chapter also I need two male characters to be Kimmy and Subrina's boyfriends leave the information in the comment below two males thanks thats all for now see you in the next one bubbyee

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