Chapter Two

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Dan's POV:
Since, Phil ran away from me I decided to get my stuff from my dorm and meet him at classes. It took me a bit of time actually to get my stuff, seeing as I forgot my keys and had to open my window. I crawled in through the small window and I grabbed my backpack and my hoodie, it got quite chilly outside. (A/N chilly willy XD IF U GET THAT ILY♥)

I exited my dorm, making sure to grab my keys and locked my door. I made my way to class, shivering in the cold. Almost no one was outside, figuring that it was in the middle of classes. Sadly, I saw Will, one of my bullies. I pulled my hood over my head and walked faster, trying to sneak by. "Hey, Howell!" Shit, it would appear that he saw me as well.

I lifted my head to face him, he was quite the fuck boy. His black hair in a quiff, with his sparkling blue and grey eyes that could make a girl or boy do anything he wanted. He winked at me and nodded his head. "Where are you going today Danny?" He asked in a low voice. Was this an attempt at seducing me? I almost laughed out loud.

"Um, I'm going to classes." I stuttered looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Looking like that? Damn, I thought you were going on a date. You look really good, Danny." He whispered stepping closer to me.
"What do you want, Will." I barked at him, really not wanting to deal with this Bullshit, seeing as he sexually assaulted me before.

He lifted up my chin harshly with his cold fingers, forcing me to look into his lust filled eyes. "I want you, Daniel." He smirked and crashed our lips together, I tried to push him away but he only tightened his grip on me. His hands made his way to my arse, I cried out and he used this to slip his foul tongue in my mouth.

I tried kicking him. Slapping him, but he pinned me to the ground by my hands, he was straddling me with his knees on my legs. His tongue returned to my mouth and I did the only thing I could. I bit his tongue, not lightly, but hard. I didn't let go, until I tasted his blood in my mouth. He jumped off of me, a maroon stream coming out of his mouth. And I ran.

I ran to classes, to find that Dan wasn't there. I burst in through the door, with blood on my face and my clothes. "WHERE IS DAN?" I yelled, no one answering just staring at me in shock and curiosity, some kids snickered. I left the class room, the only other place he would be was his dorm. I was really worried, I hope he would be okay.

As I arrived at his small dorm, I heard music playing, I didn't recognise the lyrics. I knocked anxiously on the door. Hoping he would answer. No reply, maybe he was in the shower. I waited for a bit and was about to go when I heard a loud thump, and then a choking sound. Oh god no. I pounded on the door with all my might, no luck what so ever.

"PHIL, I'M COMING IN!" I yelled, and kicked the door a number of times, until it burst open. What I saw will stay with me in my mind forever. There he was, Phil, hanging. I ran towards him, tears streaming down my face. He smiled at me, and closed his eyes. His hands were no longer gripping the rope, they were by his sides.

"NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I yelled, I couldn't acknowledge the fact that Phil was capable of this. Snapping out of my trance, I grabbed the rope, and untied it, catching his frail body before it hit the floor. With trembling fingers I pulled out my phone. Dialing 9-1-1.  After a couple rings, the operator picked up.

"911 how can I help you?" The lady asked. I could barely speak through my tears. The words squeaking out of my lips.
"My friend just tried to kill himself, he's unconscious and I don't think he's breathing." I cried out, not bearing to hear the words, looking down at Phil, my friend, I love him.
"Can you repeat that please?" She asked politely. "I SAID MY FRIEND TRIED TO HANG HIMSELF, HE'S NOT BREATHING." I yelled, my voice clearer than before.

"Okay just stay on the phone please we are sending help, what is the address?"
"NW 23rd Farnsworth college dorm number 17, get here quick!" I was practically screaming at the lady.
"Can you do mouth to mouth on him or CPR?" she asked.
"Yes." I breathed in, trying not to puke.

I didn't know how, but I had the basic Idea. I plugged his nose and pressed my lips to his, exhaling carbon dioxide into his lungs. I pressed my ear to his chest, I could hear a faint heart beat. Sobs racked through my body, as I repeated the process. He still wasn't breathing.
"FUCK." I screamed, tears streaming down my face and dripping onto Phil's body.
"I LOVE YOU PHIL, PLEASE COME BACK!" I screamed, closing my eyes and giving up. You couldn't save him you monster.

The sound of ragged breathing filled my ears like music. I gasped, opening my eyes to see Phil's chest rising and falling. "Thank god!" I exclaimed, tears of joy escaping my eyes. The wailing of an ambulance filled my ears, not quite here yet. I could already see the bruising on Phil's neck, and I couldn't help but trace it with my fingers.

Phil's eyes fluttered open, my prayers were answered.
"OH MY GOD PHIL, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DON'T DO THAT EVER AGAIN!" I yelled pulling him into an embrace.
"I'm sorry." His weak voice croaked as he passed out again. My eyes widened as I shook him, hoping he'd wake, with no luck. The ambulance had arrived now, and I heard running footsteps.
"HELP!" I screamed as paramedics rushed in the dorm, picking fill up and laying him on a stretcher asking me multiple questions. "His name is Phil Lester, he's 18, he tried to hang himself, he's breathing, he was just awake and I love him." I cried out as they pulled him away from me. They took the boy I loved away from me when he needed me the most.

I am fucking heading to that fucking hospital.

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So, how'd you like it? Sorry if it wasn't that good or if it was too sad. Comment below what you want to happen next. Do you want Dan and Phil to get together soon? Or do you want Chris to come back? Who do you want me to add in? More youtubers? Ianthony? Pewdiecry? Septiplier? Yeah, just suggest anything and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reading! And if you like it, vote and follow me, I follow back! I'll make sure to update the work schedule soon as well. Byee
Word count: 1220 words mate♥

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