Chapter Three

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Phil's POV:

All I can see is black, nothing but black. All I can hear is a slow beeping sound. All I can feel is a numb throb of medication coursing through my veins and a dry pain in my throat. All I can smell is dust and death. I must be in a hospital. I don't know if I want to live or If I want to die anymore. I can't think straight, I just can't. Where is Dan? Was it him that saved me?Why did he?

I hate this, whatever this is. This, comatose state I am in. It is actually really boring, nothing to do but wish I either wake up, or my heart stops. I'm not a religious person, so I don't think death is like a fucking afterlife. Although, apparently suicide makes you go to hell. In my opinion I think death will be just like before you were born, just a vast field of blank nothingness. No feelings, no memories, no life, no pain, nothing. That's what I want, that's what my soul has ached and hungered for.

I just wish Dan wouldn't have stopped me, I don't think I'll ever forgive him. I know what I did was selfish, it was so selfish. In that moment, I needed to be selfish. I couldn't bear living anymore, I had enough. I can't help feeling guilty though, if Dan actually stopped me, that means he cares about me. I don't know, I could be reading into this too much. I am very confused. I am so very confused.

Dan's POV:

Pulling my hood over my head to shield my skin, I clicked the phone icon, scrolling until I found my Mums name. I pressed call, and she answered on the second ring.
"Hello, Daniel! How are you?"
"I'm good Mum, can you give me a ride to the hospital?" I asked, my boice quivering.
"Of course, Daniel! What's wrong, are you hurt?" She sounded frantic, and scared.

"No, it's Phil, he's in the ambulance and they won't let me ride with him." I gulped back cries of fear.
"Okay, I'm on my way. What happened to Philip?" She asked with concern.
"Can I tell you when you get here, it's hard to talk about." I whispered, wiping my tears.
"That's alright, I have to go now I'm driving. I'll be there soon."

I hung up on her before saying goodbye, not wanting to talk anymore. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, I hope she gets here quick. This time I couldn't stop the tears, I kept telling myself he's gonna be okay, but it wasn't helping at all. I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault, if I didn't reject him that day.

I didn't want to, but I did it for his safety. Sometimes I can't control myself, and I don't want him to be there when that happens. If you can't tell, I am what people call a 'vampire' I guess. I don't sparkle in the sun, I fucking burn. I am not super ripped with like bulging muscles, once a month I need to drink about two quarts of animal or human blood. No one knows besides me, well Chris knew but he isn't here anymore.

It's not that hard to hide actually, all you need is bronzer and sunscreen, of course I chipped off a large portion of my fangs to look like regular canine teeth. I have actually grown used to the slight pain of the sun, and the sunscreen helps quite a bit. Without bronzer, I am so pale that you can almost see my veins.

I have never been so happy to see my mom's grey minivan pull in to the college parking lot. I sprinted to the car and opened the passenger seat, sitting next to my mum.
"Phil tried to kill himself mum." I cried, burying my face in my hands, too ashamed to face her reaction.
"Oh I'm so sorry Dan." She sighed, as I uncovered my face.

"He's at liberty hospital right now." I said, not being able to stop the tears.
"Okay, we'll head there right now." She said, and with that we pulled out of the parking lot and sped towards the hospital. She knows how much Phil means to me, so I was just very pleased that we didn't get pulled over as she sped to 15 over the speeding limit.
-At the hospital-  

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