Chapter Six: Protection Is A Sign Of Love

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AN: "Spit The Dark" by Empires, just listen and feel. I would suggest you listen to the song before you read, but you can listen during if it pleases you.


Two/Three Years Or So Later

The hands, they dotted the trees, swaying in the wind and dripping thick, red liquid. Something tugged at Merlin's chest, pulling him to the tree. It was like water clogged his ears, cement filled his throat.  He clutched his neck, trying to breathe, trying to speak; call for help. He dragged his nails, carving them into his skin; scratching. Red dripped into his eyes. He held his face, rubbing it away with no luck. He was gasping for breath, lungs feeling shrivled in his chest. Red hands clawed at his skin, his clothes, tugging and tearing him apart until everything went black. No breath. No light. 


Arthur Pendragon wasn't one for mourning the death of his servants. He was a king and kings do not mourn their servants, it is unkingly. But Merlin wasn't dead. Not yet. It wasn't even humanly to be surpressing what he was feeling, like he was, yet he did. He didn't want to run to Gaius, it would make him seem too desperate to see Merlin. He'd asked for daily check-ups from Sir Lancelot, since he seemed to spend an awful lot of time there anyway, but it felt wrong to just stand by while Merlin, his.. his, lay injured. My Merlin, he supposed as he made his way down to see him. They'd spent the first three days figuring out why he would've done that to himself. And it killed Arthur every time he had to think about it. But he was king now, and he had duties and a whole kingdom on his shoulders. He couldn't afford to fuss over Merlin, no matter how hard he tried or how much he cared. But damn did he care. 

The bandages were a faded red, they'd need to be changed. "Gaius!" He called, starting to unwrap the bandages. When the door to Merlin's room opened, he said softly, "He's going to need new bandages. It's been bleeding again." Gaius had been so very kind to him. He was always kind to Arthur, like a second father, a better father if he was being honest. But it felt like a betrayl every time he admitted it, because all Uther ever tried to do was protect him. With lies, of course, but still. Protection was a sign of love, right? He shook away the thoughts of his father, focusing on the problem. His face was pale, stiff. It looked almost lifeless, but the hardness to it showed otherwise. Like he was in pain. He was in pain, Arthur knew, but he liked to think he wasn't. He was just sleeping. He'd never realized how he'd gone to childish lengths to protect himself, to protect Merlin. 

Protection is a sign of love.

No, shut up, Arthur. 

Gaius opened the door quietly, watching Arthur's eyes roam over his bruised and scared neck. (And not at all in any way he would have liked it to be.) Gaius was going to do anything he could to save him, becasue it pained him just as much to see the boy in such a state. He came over to Merlin, asking Arthur to lift his head. It was somewhat useless, the bandages. It hadn't become infected, but that's most likely becasue he was in a more or less sterile (enough) place and he'd had pretty much immediate care. His pillow and clothes had been stained with blood, and Arthur had gone to all legths for him- cleaning his clothes, dressing him in new ones, watching over him when he could. It seemed like every second he wasn't being king he was being a scared, heartbroken mother to Merlin. It was endearing, and honestly Gaius wanted Merlin to wake up just to see the look on his face when he finds out how much Arthur had done for him. 

"Gaius, we can't let him go on like this." Arthur said horesly, looking up at him with eyes full of hope. He wasn't sure what the king meant. Does he want me to finish the job? Use...magic?

"What do you mean, sire?" He asked, pulling the covers farthur up on Merlin and stepping back slightly, hands behind his back. Arthur took Merlin's hand, running his thumb gently over his cold skin. 

"Well, either we can't watch him die, or we can't watch him suffer."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Whatever it takes." 

"Are you suggesting sorcerery?" I can't believe it... 

"I'm suggesting, that you must go to any lengths to save him. I feel like, I can trust magic, and I don't know why. After what he did...Morgana. I shouldn't, should I? This is stupid. I'm stupid-"

"I'll do what I can." Gaius said, and he meant it. Arthur nodded, hands squeezing just barely tighter on Merlin's hand, putting the young warlock's fingers to his chin and smiling. He didn't have a reason to smile. He wasn't even thinking about anything that would make him smile. Maybe it was just the fact that he was hanging onto Merlin, and wasn't going to let him go. Well, eventually he would have to return to his duties, but for now he wished to stay. Gaius had left soon after, leaving Arthur at peace with the silence. Ages later, Sir Leon opened the door slowly, as not to disturb anything. Arthur's elbows held him up, set on the bed beside him. His forehead rested on his side, still holding his hand. Leon wasn't exactly the type of person who's heart would swell or anything, but at this moment he swore it did. He'd never thought in a million years that he would see his king- Arthur Pendragon so soft, so peaceful, so loving. He smiled, small and truly joyful. He wanted to soak in the (most likely, at least to the knights,) rare sight but snapped back to reality and cleared his throat, calling out to Arthur. He was asleep.

After a few shakes of his shoulder, Arthur started with a groan, looking up at the knight with red, puffy eyes. The dired tears on his cheeks made his face uncomforatble, and he moved his mucles around a bit to free his skin from the tightness. He noticed the dimness of the room, the lack of sunlight. "Damnit!" He grumbled, letting go of his hand and placing it back on the bed, standing and fixing his tunic. Leon opened his mouth to say something, unsure of what to say. 

"Sir, you have been here all day."

"I am so sorry, Leon. Really. That was very..rude, of me and I am deeply-" Merlin's making me soft, goddamnit.

"But you were not needed. We managed without you, so you need not worry." Arthur's expression dropped and he slouched, posture broken by a heavy wave of relief. He sat back down, eyes pulling over Merlin's still frame. "Arthur, I speak as a friend, and I mean it when I say that, he's going to be alright," he said after a while, slow and soft. (Patience was the best way to deal with Arthur, even if he may not have patience himself). "I think you need rest. Sire, I'll help you-" 

"No." Arthur murmured, pawing Leon's hands away from his arms. 

"Sire, you will be needed tomorrow. We have a knighting at first light." Arthur groaned, looking once at Merlin's restful face, and slowly released his hand, exiting with him. When they got out into the hall, he turned to Leon with a cold expression. 

"Don't you speak of this to anyone."

"Yes, sire."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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