chapter 1

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×××nine years ago×××
×××Bens pov×××

"Benjamin...where are you?" My mother calls out. I hold back my giggles and laughs, we are playing hide-n-seek.

"Ben~" she cooes looking around. Meanwhile I am hiding under the table. I bust out laughing.

"I hear you benny!" He says as she picks me up from under the table and tickles me.

"M*laughs* mommy sto-*laughs* stop." I laugh (ben is 4).

"Alright ben~" she says as she sits me down.
Then my drunk dad busts through the door.

"Hey *hic* honey *hic* hehe." He says as he grabs her by the hair and throws her to the ground.
My mommy screams.

"Mommy!" I scream.

"Shut up boy!" My dad screams. I cry as I watch my dad beat my mom. I watch my mom take her lasts few breaths, her chest rising and falling and blood trickles down her face and her chest.

"M-mommy?" I say.

"My ben, it's okay don't wo-" she takes her last breath. Her chest stops rising and falling.

"Mom-" I get cut off by daddy picking me up by the throat and throwing me into my room.

××× back to right now when he is 13×××
Bens pov××××

My dad is never home after he killed my mom. If he is he is always beating me cause he is drunk. When he does come home he's always bringing a woman home, as I call them 'sluts'. Yep.
I'm always in my room cause dad never let's me out. If he does its for school. When he beats me it's always done inside my room so there are countless blood stains on the floor from the years of being beat. It sucks. I want mommy back.
I sigh as I am walking back home from school. I see my house coming up. I get to my house and walk inside. My dad isn't home. Of corse he isnt.
But of corse right when I walk in dad walks in. Drunk.
He pulls out and whip and starts to whip me. I scream in pain and he just keeps on. After what seems like hours he finally stops and leaves the house.
I get up and look at my hands and blood just gushes down from them. I look at myself in the mirror. Blood all over my head. I clean myself up and walk outside. I start to walk into the woods untill I run into 'them' jasper Clair and Jaxon. My bullys.

"Hey wimp, where ya think your goin." Jasper says as he corners me up against the wall. The three of them tower over my cause I have to admit, I am short I'm 5'1.
They start kicking me and punching me. I fall to the ground with tears streaming down my face from my bright green eyes. They finally stop.

"We have to go now, see ya later ben~" Clair chirps evilly and they all run away laughing.
I slowly get up. I look around.
Wow they must have been picking on my for a while. It's almost dark! I have to go before dad gets back! I stumble/run home. I walk in. I sigh in relief to see my dad not home.
I walk to my room and plop down onto my soft bed and fall into a deep sleep.


(A/n) I hope yall like this and I will update soon. ^~^ I gave up on my other book cause it sucked so yeah...


~ J.J

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