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The races revolutionized the world of competition. There is the dominator and the dominated. Unfortunately for some domination didn't come naturally. Being hard headed and confident took more than determination, belief only does so much, the key to a true and everlasting dominating character is emotional break through and life long scarring. Seems harsh but it such as the sun gives of heat.

The rerving of an engine to life , the extra pressure of the acceleration ,the flow of gas and the enticing feeling of the leather steering wheel dulled out the yelling of support and disencouragement from the crowds and heightened the adrenaline and accelerated heart beat ,raspy breaths and occasional nervous sweat.

Catalaea rejoiced in the roars of engines and sneers that were directed at her arrival. She didn't bother masking her over brimming excitement rather she grinned ear to ear exposing her merticulous teeth and full red lips. Catalaea scanned the crowds for the stormy grey eyes she so dearly missed .

Of course the raging storms beheld in the eyes of Catalaeas seeing direction belonged to no other than Luca .

Blondie and berry head hung desperately the arms of Luca, dressed about ready for a threesome. Luca smiled charmingly at the females , a hand on both of their asses heavily making out with blondie. Luca broke his eating of blondies face to calm the whining of the attention starved berry head when his gaze struck the blue eyes misted with roaring amusement and blatant disgust of the only female specimen he hasn't had the devine pleasure of concoring.

Lucas immediately spread a wide inviting grin on his slob slathered face and chuckled at Catalaeas expression.

Catalaea came face to face with Luca and smiled

"You are dismissed ladies",Luca nonchalantly ordered blondie and redhead.
The girls protested and whined but Luca ignored them and focused his complete attention on the vicious dame in front of him.

"You have certainly not changed your womanizing ways in the past 2 years",Catalaea ensured her comment was spiced with disappointment.

"Ahh,my dear sister ,missed me that much huh?"

Catalaeas facade crumbled and she smiled shamelessly lunging at her brother .
Luca welcomed his twin with open arms awaiting reveling in her feel after 2 long years.

Catalaea lunged alright but she didn't lunge into Lucas's expectant arms.

Blood oozed from his nose, it was certainly broken and Luca shuddered from the rough blow Catalaea just delivered to his most prized possession, his face.

"What the fuck!-what was that for?!!", Luca spluttered through endless curses.

"That's for not picking me up from the airport you asshole, I just walked all the way here and some desperate guy carried my bags here but what the heck dude?! It's been 2 years, I expected a better welcome.
Not a long walk and a brother who forgot me because he was too busy sucking face with blondie and berry head!!!"

Luca stared in the rage filled red engulfed face of his sister thinking of a proper excuse when the only persistent thought that swirled in him flew out of his mouth

"Blondie and berry head ?seriously?"

"That's what you got from my entire outburst?", the outrageous fury that churned in Catalaea refused to settle and his stupendous reply only fed her fury

Catalaea prepared herself with another raging rant but her resolve crumbled at her brothers tears . He's crying ,she thought

"Lia ,I'm so sorry ,I didn't mean to make you feel this way .I'm a horrible brother and an even worse person , oh sister mine would you please forgive me.."

Catalaea stared open mouthed, jaw dropped and bulge eyes at Luca
Say what now!

Catalaea paroused her confused mind for a response when she was met with roaring laughter and amazed applause from 4 dark haired figured .

The mist cloud of Luca's dramatic theatrical performance vanished leaving Catalaea astounded at her brothers acting skills.
She recognised the four leather clad figures in front of her as her four remaining brothers, she appreciated the longing by carefully studding them , Dante ,the big brother,his forest green eyes lured wonen of all ages and all statures, ready to succumb to his every desire, Zeus, the overprotective smothering brother ,who enticed the world with his rigid buff body and impressive strength that made every man quiver in fear and every women quiver from lust, his hazel eyes mirrored that of their dauntless mother , Julianna. Second eldest from the five brothers is Percy , his eyes coordinated with his name and personality, icy blue ,bluer than midday sky ,clearer than the caribean ocean and colder than the frost of Antarctica. Though cold and unapproachable to others to family especially to his sister his eyes lose their guard and flourish with endearment. Last and youngest of the Serediva siblings stood strong, chest puffed out and blueish grey  eyes that matched her own betraying his stoic expression with excitement at his sisters return , Theo who was first to stop laughing and realise that instead of his sister raging in anger at their behavior ,her eyes held an expression of longing and love, he nudged his brothers for their attention and he was sure the expression they all held now mirrored that of their sisters.

"I-i missed you boys so much ", her voiced cracked at the end .

All five boys smothered their sister in a hug returning her sentence of affection.

" we missed you too"
"We love you sis"
"Yeah,I'm sorry for not picking you up "

The crowds watching the serediva siblings reunite suddenly drew their attention to Benny ,the commentator at the mike.

WELCOME BACK !",  Benny announced in a roar to the race crowds . The people friend and foe rejoiced and chanted welcomes to Catalaea.

"Come on let us get you to your car", Catalaeas brothers guided her through the crowds to the starting point of the tracks .

At the very middle surrounded by admirers parked her white and blue striped shelby GT 500 ready to race.

Catalaea bounced with glee thanking her brothers for bringing her to her baby.

Her eyes ravished the beast that she won at her first race  and her finger tips gingerly appreciated the feel of the shiny hood that glistened with competition . Excitement brew in her heart and her mind revelled in the thoughts of triumphant victory which she was certain to achieve.

Drowning out the crowds and her brothers Catalaea zoned in just her and her car ,she sat in the drivers seat, no need for any adjustments, everything was as she left it,perfect. She palmed her hands over the seats , gears and steering wheel ,her slightly calloused fingers enjoyed the leather feel.
She rerved the engine relishing in the feel of control and power that driving offered her . Her car roared to life and so did the others around . Without a look at her competitors she hit acceleration at the gunshot signaling the beginning of the race. Speed fueled her adrenaline and will to win, speed was her drive like the feeling many get at the responsibility and love of having a child, it gave her pure bliss which she gladly accepted.

Not long when Theo watched his sister cross the finish line grinning triumphantly.

Zeus and his brothers marveled in pride for their sister . She never failed to impress and it made him proud to be her brother.

Catalaea stepped out her car ,the heel of her knee length leather boots hitting the ground signaling her exit. When a he surfaced completely out of the car the crowd erupted in cheers and drivers grumbled in defeat .

The world of racing was reminded of her skills and the power behind the Serediva siblings unity.

CatalaeaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum