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Mornings were shunned by all but Catalaea took it as a gift. The gift of witnessing the beauty of the sunrise and the comfort that only few appreciated.

Another great pleasure she took from mornings was the opportunity every sister took, with one last glance at the morning sky from her room balcony Catalaea started to put her plan into action.

Buckets check
Ice check
Water check
String check
Blowhorn check

45 minutes later and the boys are still asleep with no expectations of what's to come.

Back in her room with her door locked and barricaded, Catalaea hummed in satisfaction.

In 3...2...1...blast

Her thump presses down on her Blowhorn through the intercom from her room to the others. Immediately she pulled the string conjoining the strings connecting 5 buckets of ice filled buckets of water that ruthlessly crashed on her brothers sleepy shellshocked forms.

Dante,Zeus, Theo, Luca and Percy gasped in frozen shock ,mouths agape ,ears ringing a buzz inbearable and hair dripping. The summer heat commanded them to sleep shirtless and now their pecks were bound to get frostbite. Theo reached  his eyes and wiped his lashes and brows as free of water as possible . The brothers took one last lung full of air as they roared in unison.


Despite her oncoming demise  she smiled wistfully at the name they called her since she was 3.

Her reverie of joyfilled memories broke at the harsh pounding of fist at her barricaded door.

With a mischievous grin and malicious  glint in her eyes, Catalaea thought of an escape something she recurringly seemed to forget during her plans .Her brows creased in concentration,her chin tilted to the right and her hand founds it's way to her hip cocked to the left with her left leg bopping in thought.

And so plans, scenarios and reactions swirled in her mind .

Dante looked at his brothers cursing and pounding on lias door but despite the fury etched onto their faces ,their eyes shone with nothing but love and amusement.

They all missed her dearly and her love for morning pranks came as a package they welcomed with open arms.

"Zeus!",Dante called.

"What?! Dante ,I'm in the middle of something!" , he dismissed Dantes call and continued to pound his fist onto the door.

"Guys!!I have a plan"

Four heads turned  to Dante all adorning mischievous smerks and pompous expressions.

"Well we'd be honored if you'd share ... ", Zeus commented sarcastically with a gesture of his hand.

"Don't mind if I do ,kind sir", Theo imitated a posh British accent surprisingly well.

The day went on with pranks and small disputes flowering the missed time Catalaea spent away.

Back at the heart of the town grumbling in defeat , cursing till the depths of red sea , his eyes gleamed in rage and his muscles twitched with astonishment. All the brewing disasters of emotions with held in him were all directed at one person.

Dark haired, petite figure and an attitude unattainable ,that's all he knew , how many racers out their had these qualities ,there's one thing his storm filled eyes captured clearly and that was the five men that hovered over her protectively.

The soles of his shoes could take no more and so he stopped pacing and grinned at the thought of their meet this Thursday , she's a woman , a woman in a man's world, despite her bravery she is a woman after all and he is Liam , they all melt at his name and she will be no different.

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