best friends

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Annie and I lay on the bed goofing of with her little cousin, Jordan. We heard the door bell and screamed simultaneously,"BECKA! " Sam got up and tripped over the trash can while I beat her down the stairs. She quickly caught up and my socks betrayed me on the new hardwood, I slipped and she beat me to the door. I saw bella's smirk as soon as she walked in.

"you know I can hear you from outside, " she said we took her into the kitchen and Annie gave her a Christmas present. She giggled and talked and messed around eventually we went outside and sat on Sam's jacket seeing as it was winter and there was ice. Becka sat on my lap since they was not enough room.

We sang several songs together even though I was kinda off... Stupid voice box... When I stood up my but was soaked since there was extra weight of becka. I changed into some of sam's sweats since we are the same size.

I came down and we ate dinner right after Becka's mom came and got her. We sat in Annie's room talking I read her some of my entries from my journal.

In this moment I felt I could trust her, like she would always be there. We talked about how we would always stand up for each other when we couldnt stand up for ourselves. That night I feel like I made a promise, a promise of loyalty and friendship. That night we both knew this friendship would never end of we had anything to say about it.

We started watching some Netflix and we went down stairs to the kitchen, where snacks were made and the night faded off with our promise intact. A promise that I knew would never be broken.

I went home and thought about that whole night as I sat in bed, how I knew Sam would be my best friend as would Becka for the rest of my life.ther was no way I could find any one better than these two. Who needs guys, who needs anything when you've got friends like these. I've got the best friends any girl could have.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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