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This is the beginning of some pretty heavy BDSM. So that's your warning. Enjoy :)

Happy #KeepMeSunday!



Zayn rose from the bed and walked towards his slave slowly, reverently. "Liam- fuck," he whispered, unable to break the serenity of what was happening. "How did you find all this stuff?"

Liam tugged, adjusting and pulling, until Zayn reached his hands out to stop him. Liam bit his lip, filled with insecurity, and dropped his hands again. "I was just looking for some toys, a- a dildo or something." Liam brushed hands over his chest, fingers trickling over the metal and leather. "But I found this on the wall, and these in the drawer." Liam slid his hands down to his hips.

Zayn followed the movement of his hands past his groin to his ankles. There sat a pair of padded cuffs, matching ones on his wrists. "And these?"

Liam startled, like he'd forgotten they were there. "Oh, right." He skittered back to the closet. "I found this, but I wasn't sure what to do with it..." He trailed off as he brought a long length of chain back into the room and handed it to Zayn. "You can use it."

Zayn's fist closed tight around the metal in his hands. "Jesus Christ, baby. Just-" His hands went to Liam's body. "Just let me touch you for a minute." Zayn tossed the chain to the bed and was back on Liam in a second, his hands running up Liam's arms to his chest. The slave wore a chest harness in black leather, all of the different pieces connected with buckles and rings that Zayn couldn't wait to tug on.

A middle ring hung from the front, and if Zayn remembered correctly, the back as well. He slid a hand around Liam's back and felt the cool metal to confirm his memory. He was going to have so much fun with that. Zayn's eyes dropped slowly to Liam's lap.

The Master's hand traced Liam's chest, abs, down to his v's. Liam was wearing a leather jock strap complete with a cutout that Liam had thread his cock through, which was now half hard. Clipped around his shaft and balls were small leather cock rings, adorned with tiny, silver, rounded studs. Zayn couldn't help but thumb along the length of him, the feeling of Liam's warm skin in contrast to the cool material.

"How's it feel?"

Liam swallowed hard at the teasing. "Crazy. I'm trying really hard not to get...hard," he chuckled. "I can tell it'll hurt if I do. It's so tight, sir." Liam whined as Zayn's fingers kept playing over his thickening shaft.

"If you don't want it to hurt, then why did you put it on?" Zayn wondered. "You know I said not to do anything, ever, that you don't want-"

"I want to," Liam blurted, quickly clamping his mouth shut again.

"Want to..." Zayn coaxed. "You want me to do things with you, slave?"

"Please," he begged.

"Can't get enough of you, baby." Zayn bit down on the curve of Liam's shoulder. "The things I want to do with you."

A hand moved to Zayn's neck, fingers stroking along the column of it. "You can. Whatever you want."

Zayn turned his head to lay his forehead on Liam's shoulder. "Don't say that."

"I mean it," Liam promised. "Sir, you can have me however you want."

The Master lifted his head, looking into Liam's eyes to see if he was being honest. "What if I said I wanted to fuck you hard, rough?"

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