BamBam- Christmas Suprise

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"BamBam calm down." Jackson said as he desperately tried comforting his friend. "I'm sure she's fine."
"We don't know that!" BamBam shouted drawing the attention of almost everyone in the airport. "What if her plane crashed!? She could be dead for all we know! Oh my God it's Christmas and my girlfriends dead. I knew I shouldn't have let her go to America for a month!"
"She's not dead." Mark chimed in also trying to help.
"Then why hasn't she called?!" He stood up and started pacing back and forth. "
"Maybe because her phone died..." A voice spoke from behind him.
BamBam whirled around so fast he was alittle bit dizzy. "(Y/N)!!" He wrapped his arms around you so tight you gasped from the lack of air. "I missed you so much! Don't scare me like that! God I love you!"
"I missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't know my phone would decide it hates me today. I love you too..." You whispered. "Now can you let me go? Kinda having difficulty breathing..."
"Oops." He set you down.
As soon as your feet touched the ground the guys pulled you into a group hug. "We missed you!" They shouted.
"BamBam hasn't shut since you left!" Yugyeom spoke from somewhere in the mass of bodies. "'I hope she took her vitamin.' 'She's probably sleeping now I hope she sleeps well.'" He mimicked BamBam
"Yah shut up already!" Bambam laughed. "I was concerned about my girlfriend!"
"Concerned!? More like obsessed!" JB shouted.
"Oh how I missed this..." You mumbled mostly to yourself.

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