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We keep this love in a photograph. We made these memories for ourselves.♪

They were both six years old.

Anushka's family had moved into their new home in Delhi. It had been almost a week since she had entered her new environment. She had not yet made friends but her elder brother seemed to be having great fun playing cricket with the young boy who was her age from their neighborhood.

She heard her father speak of the young boy as being unusually talented for his age.

One day she decided to go and see for herself. Her small legs walked out of her home and followed her brother cautiously. Her brother, who was three years older than her held her tiny hands in his protectively.

They had a large plain field located a few minutes walk from their home. This field was used as a playground by the children of the neighborhood.

The walk felt like forever for the young girl. Her brother led her to the side where there were a few steps.

"Sit here." He said and Anushka nodded without asking questions.

She sat on the stairs her brother had instructed her to sit on.

She could clearly see some boys coming into the field from the entrance they had just taken. Most seemed to be slightly older than her, around her brother's age she figured.

One younger aged boy followed behind the older boys, holding a cricket bat in his hand. The bat was much bigger for than intended for a boy of his age. However he seemed rather confident, like he knows he is good.

This must be the boy that her father spoke off, Anushka thought to herself.

She continued to look at him with her big eyes, almost fascinated by his presence. She wished she could be as confident as him. She was very shy, didn't speak much and preferred to stay close to her mother at all times.

The young boy began to start playing, he was batting. Anushka didn't know much about cricket, but suddenly became interested and wanted to know more about the sport. Her brother was balling. The ball hit the bat and the young boy hit it effortlessly. The ball rolled on the field to Anushka's side. The young boy's eyes was following the ball whilst he was running to the opposite stump. His brown eyes locked with Anushka's.

She looked down to her small twiddling fingers, and then looked up again.

He went back to the other side and offered a friendly smile to her.

She took a deep breath, and looked down again.

Could he be her first crush? She thought to herself. She didn't know. The only thing she knew was that she was fascinated by the boy.

Photograph. (Virat & Anushka FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now