~Twenty Nine~

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"Hello?" Virat answered.

"Hello Virat, how are you doing?" Anushka asked. Her voice instantly washed over a sense of calmness in Virat.

He took a deep breath, realising that he needs to talk calmly to Anushka- she didn't deserve to face any negativity from him, he thought.

"...got into a fight with Tara." Virat said honestly. He didn't want to lie to Anushka out of all people.

"Oh...wrong time to call?" Anushka asked, with a hint of nervousness.

"No, no! Right time to call... I wanted to hear your voice." Virat said quickly, his eyes widen. Shit, why did I say that?



"Yeah...?" Anushka asked in almost a whisper.

"I-I didn't mean it like that" Virat stuttered whilst letting out a small laugh to lighten the mood.

Anushka laughed - "I mean I don't blame you, my voice is quite nice..." she replied humorously.

Virat sighed out of relief. He wanted to clear his mind - far too many things were on it.


After telling Virat that its going to be fine and not to stress and worry too much, they hung up.

"...so did you hint at him that Varun was talking to you?" Veronica asked, sitting up on Jo's bed. Jo was also there.

"No, didn't want to - talking about Varun didn't seem right. He sounded upset.

"Oh...why?" Veronica asked curiously.

"He had a fight with his girlfriend."

Jo looked up from her laptop and looked at Veronica, then Anushka and then back to her laptop.

"Oh...mmmm." Veronica said, trying to hide a smile.

"You're so evil." Anushka replied, staring at Veronica.

"What? I didn't say anything." She replied, innocently fluttering her eyes quickly.

Anushka signed, "I hate the idea of him being upset."

"Well, no shit Sherlock!" It was Jo this time with a smirk.


One day later.

"I want to talk to you." Tara said over the phone.

"Yeah, I was trying to talk to you yesterday and you kicked me out of your house." Virat replied, trying his best to keep calm - he was annoyed.

"Yeah...you deserved that. Anyways, I needed time to think over things and make some decisions." Tara continued.

Virat's heart rate started to raise, starting to panic he asked, "let's meet up today then."

"Done, my place at 5pm - No one is home at that time."

"Okay..." Virat replied. He was nervous, but most importantly he wanted to clear things out - he wanted to know what was going on.


Virat made his way to Tara's house, he rang the door bell. The door opened to Tara, who looked distressed. Something bad is going to go down, Virat thought to himself.

"What did you want to tell me?" Virat asked, sitting down on the sofa that layed in Tara's living room.

"Okay, so you need to listen to me patiently. Don't make a scene."

Virat brought both his hands together and held them.

"Just tell me..." Virat said looking cautiously at Tara's face to try and understand her expressions.

"You know Arman? My co-star?" She asked.

Virat nodded, his eyebrows slightly raising.

"Well, I think- I think I have feelings for him"

Virat leaned back ever so slightly - "you like him? Okay....so you are telling me .... what exactly ?" He asked, impatience evident in his voice.

Tara looked up, teary eyed. "I- I'm telling you ..." she paused, "I don't know what I want Virat- but I like him ... and Virat, you play cricket for fucks sake! That's not going to work out in the future, what are the chances?! You are not even getting a college degree, you are going to end up failing and then what would we do?"

Virat placed his face in his hands, covering it. After a second, he looked back up, his eyes looked sad.

"I - I" his voice cracked a little, exposing his vulnerable emotions.

"I loved you Tara and you do this so easily to me? What do you expect me to do now!?" He raised his voice.

Virat inhaled deeply and continued  "It's over. Thats what you want right? Well, we are over. You go and date whoever the fuck you want to and get married to someone who has a stable job! You disgust me!" Virat raised his voice, standing up and making his way towards the door.

"Virat! Stop! I am sorry, but you know I am saying the truth... what are the chances of you being successful? So many people wants to play cricket internationally, but how many make it? You are not going to make a name for yourself Virat, it's just not going to happen!" She said, as though it was the matter of fact.

Virat now had tears in his eyes, he smiled- pity and disgust written all over it. He was dating someone who only cared about his career and the benefits she will gain from it, he realised.

"...and I thought girlfriends were supposed to support you no matter what, good thing we are not in a relationship anymore." Virat said, making his way out of the door.

He turned back one last time, looking at Tara who now stood holding the door open.

"Oh, and one last thing... you're a bitch."

Tara's jaw fell to the ground.

Virat turned back and made his way back to his house.


So...that happened. 😂 I mean, it just had to didn't it? Screw Tara, I hated her anyway. 😜 but don't think it's the last of her you'll see.

So now Virat is Tara-less.

Next update: 24/02/2018

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